Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

developed. This topic is very complex and beyond the scope of 
this paper. 
Third, a closer inspection of the result (Figure 5) revels that some 
extracted roads are not so smooth. Some of them even contain 
branches (Figure 7). This problem is caused by the thinning 
algorithm which can thin most parts of a road except corners 
where small branches are found. Figure 7 shows the input 
rectangle in the left and its corresponding output in the right. 
Ideally, the output road should be a rectangular outline of one 
pixel wide. However, it contains two tiny branches in two of the 
four corners. The reason for this limitation is the order of iteration 
during which the search is carried out in the order from the first 
column of the top left corner down to the first column in the 
bottom left, then the second column from the top left to the 
bottom left, and so on until the bottom right. If the iteration order 
is changed from right to left, then the output road will just be a 
reversal of that shown in Figure 7. This problem can be overcome 
through a further process of filtering to remove the branches 
attached to a road. 
Figure 7. A rectangular road block and its thinned output. The 
output contains two tiny branches because of the sequence of 
iteration. They will shift to the left if the order of iteration is 
In this study we developed an automatic method of extracting 
road network information from  hyperspatial resolution 
multispectral IKONOS data in a densely populated urban area. 
The introduction of spatial reasoning into the extraction is able to 
overcome the problems commonly associated with existent 
methods of road exaction, over which this proposed method based 
on spatial reasoning has a few advantages. The first is that it is 
highly flexible. No limit is imposed on the size of the area under 
study. There is no assumption about the analyst's familiarity with 
the research area. Second, it is comprehensive and covers the 
entire process of road network extraction, from unsupervised 
classification to create a binary image, to noise removal, road 
segment joining and road thinning. This method has been 
implemented in a flexible environment in which the user can 
specify some parameters during the extraction, such as the 
threshold for removing noise and the threshold for joining road 
segments together. Finally, the method can be applied readily with 
a wide range of image formats. Anyone who has access to an 
unsupervised classification package can perform the extraction. 
During undertaking of spatial reasoning the default file format is 
the commonly used bitmap, which is widely available and 
acceptable by most software packages. Apart from the IKONOS 
images, this method also works with other types of satellite 
imagery. Understandably, the finer the spatial resolution of the 
image, the better roads show up on the image, and the more 
accurate their extraction is. It must be pointed out, nevertheless, 
that all extracted roads are restricted to the uniform width of only 
one pixel. 
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