Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
Using Bayes theorem, it comes: 
pot [my = DEL) AES (3) 
where P(D) does not depend on the model M, thus 
M = argmax P(D|M)-P(M) (4) 
We use images I, 3D segments S and focusing mask M, as 
observations D although any additional observation could be 
used (laser points clouds, manual selection, cadastral maps for 
instance). Assuming independence between these observations 
leads to 
M = argmax P(S | M)-P(I | M)- P(Ma | M)-P(M) (5) 
The model probability P(M) depends on the model complexity. 
As recalled in section 1.1, one looks for the simplest model, given 
the observations. The model probability is linked to the minimum 
description length through: 
— C(M) 
P(M)--Cexp. ? (6) 
where C is a normalization factor common to all models of M 
that will be omitted in the following. 3 tunes the level of carica- 
ture desired. A study on the influence of this parameter is done in 
section 5. 
4.2 Model Formulation 
Constraints Inferring As stated above, constraints on prim- 
itives represent the external knowledge brought in the decision 
process to guide the choice of M. That way, we can also inte- 
grate architectural knowledge to favor some types of architecture 
when ambiguities remain in the choice of the model. 
Constraints are first inferred on normals of the base primitives. 
We adopt the principles of the system described in (Grossmann, 
2002) since this system is used for enforcing constraints in the re- 
construction. The algorithm uses one threshold o. Normals are 
first clustered by angular proximity, thus grouping approxima- 
tively parallel normals. For each cluster, a direction, average of 
the clustered normals, is defined. This process ensures that mini- 
mum angular distance between two directions is c4 and handles 
parallelism constraints in the model. 
A constraint graph is then deduced from these directions that are 
nodes of the graph, whereas edges represent constraints between 
directions: orthogonality, horizontal cross product (stating that 
the intersection of both planes is horizontal, which is usual in ur- 
ban environment) and vertical symmetry. An edge is created if 
the relation is verified in the angular tolerance c4. Each edge q is 
valued with a weight C'(q) related to the number of degree free- 
dom that the constrain suppress on normal coordinates (Figure 6). 
This will be of primary importance to integrate constraints in the 
choice process (see next). 
Notations Fm, Fm and Vm define respectively the number 
of facets, edges and vertices for a given model M. Pm, Ry 
represent the number of non-vertical directions and vertical di- 
rections used in the models (after the clustering process) and 
Du = Pm + Ry the total number of directions. Finally C; 
is the number of constraints on directions in the model (the num- 
ber of edges in the constraints graph related to M). The basic 
idea for complexity computations follows the principles edicted 
in (Kolbe, 1999) based on the transmission of information related 
to the model: topological, geometrical and constraints. 
Facades Planes 
“py pij 
- ; s Y Y 
= >> x pet. clustering clustering 
CP Sia 
‘ ee +7 m * 
Fa; c Fa, T. pr N p: 
: p 4 P4 
—— horizontal edge Fa eL + E 
—— orthogonality PE p 
vertical symmetry 
Figure 6: Constraints graph. The 4 facades have been grouped 
into only 2 directions. Valuations on edges depend on the type of 
Topological description Topological description for a facet f 
consists of the enumeration of its | f | points V'% and its direction 
D ;, leading to: 
Li(f) =| f | 1og(Vm) + log(Dm) (7) 
When summed on all the facets, it simplifies to 
L:(M) =. Fay log(Var) + Far - log(Dm) (8) 
Geometrical description Assuming each coordinate can be 
coded on 12 bits (which gives a lcm precision for point, given 
a building of roughly 40 meters and a largely enough precision 
on angular measures), we can enumerate directions and points 
coordinates. Each facet brings also | f | —1 planarity equa- 
tions such as D; - (V^ — V) — 0, thus reducing the number 
of degrees of freedom and therefore coordinates that need being 
coded. Finally, it comes: 
Ly(M) = (2 + Pa + Rm +3Vm — Y f£ 170) «12 
I (9) 
= (2 * Part Hu-3Vu 2E PF) x12 
Constraints Each admissible surface uses some directions and 
thus defines a subgraph of the initial constraints graph. Each edge 
in this subgraph represents a constraint inferred on the model. 
This constraint is coded with its type (orthogonality, vertical sym- 
metry for instance), directions it links and the value C'(q) related 
to the type of the constraint q. Noting | c | the number of types 
of constraints (3 in our case) and assuming constraints are inde- 
pendent bring 
LM) = > (log(| c]) - 21og(Du) - C(g) 12). (10) 
Global Model Global model C(M) sums up the three previous 
terms and thus takes into account topogical, geometrical com- 
plexity as well as external information brought by constraints. 
Complex models are penalized by this function whereas sim- 
ple, symmetrical models and models embedding some usual con- 
straints are conversely favored. 
4.3 Observations 
Images As for observations related to image, the model score 
is given by correlating in all images the set H( M) of non vertical 
facets that do not belong to z = z,. Let us note SP(M) the 
surface of H(M) projected on z = z, and | SP(M ) | its area. 
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