. Istanbul 2004
~ P3
e been grouped
d on the type of
on for a facet f
ind its direction
) (7)
(Dm) (8)
rdinate can be
or point, given
ough precision
ons and points
planarity equa-
ing the number
that need being
—1)) « 12
"M) x 12
directions and
aph. Each edge
on the model.
y, vertical sym-
1e C'(q) related
umber of types
raints are inde-
1)*12) (10)
three previous
ymetrical com-
by constraints.
whereas sim-
ome usual con-
1e model score
of non vertical
te SP(M) the
(M) | its area.
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004
By noting f(x,y) the altitude given by a facette f € H(M) at
location (x, y), the score is:
Cz, y, f (a.
P(|M)- WV Y SD (11)
JEH(M) (x.y)
where, in multi-image context, the correlation score is the one
proposed in (Paparoditis and al., 2000) normalized by the number
of images n:
n- NT (Var (vi(ui, vi)))
where each correlation window centered on (u;, v;) in image /;
is represented by a vector vi; (wi, vi). (ui, vi) is the projection of
(x, y, z) through known projection matrix from image /;. Note
that the cube of correlation scores can be precomputed which
speeds up evaluations.
Cfa u 5) = € [0..1] (12)
3D segments 3D segments bring important information on
structure of the scene. Being reconstructed independently of the
planes, they can give very good evidence on presence of some
edges. For each 3D segment s, an edge a is matched if angular
deviation is lower than a threshold 0, and if distance deviation is
lower than another threshold ds, it will be noted aRs. For each
matched edge, the overlap score r(a, s) of s by a is used for prob-
ability computation: but errors of the 3D segment detector must
be taken into account and thus a default value for fake matching
(which is assumed to be the case when a 3D segment is matched
to no edge) c, is thus attributed, leading:
M) = min | max > Ho s s (13)
a Rs
For the set of 3D segments, assuming they are independent, it
Pala LPG
M) (14)
Focusing mask One measures the mask overlap by H(M)
compared to the union of mask and planimetric surface, which
leads to
S P(M) (1 Ma |
Pd, My sl 21 vU Lad
44 Building Extraction and Geometric Refining
From the chosen admissible surface, it is trivial to extract con-
nected sets of facets not touching the plane z — z,, thus extract-
ing only roofs structures. Let us emphasize that several buildings
can be present on one focusing area as well as roofs integrating
altimetric discontinuities.
The set of all admissible surfaces hypotheses is build up from an
arrangement of planes in which it is difficult to handle 4 planes
intersection. As a post-processing step, topological inconsisten-
cies are corrected by a simple snapping algorithm.
Another post-processing step enables also to enforce constraints
in the real reconstruction so as to give a much more regularized
shape. This important step based on (Grossmann, 2002) will not
be detailed here due to lack of space.
Figure 7 shows the main steps of th algorithm on an example. The
projection of the result with and without enforcing constraints
proves the gain of this step in the reconstruction. Figure 8 shows
the results on 45 buildings with 6 images at resolution 25cm and
B = T5. By visual inspection, 7596 of reconstructions are "ac-
ceptable", meaning they perfectly fit the reality or the given cari-
cature is an acceptable generalization of the reality. Right part of
(a) Focusing mask, facades, planar patches and 3D segments.
(b) arrangement of planes and filtered 3D Graph.
(c) Exhaustive search of solutions.
(d) The final solution in 3D and projected on an orthophoto, before and after
enforcing constraints.
Figure 7: Main steps on an example.