International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing
Figure 9: Influence of 5.
the figure proves the ability of the algorithm to reconstruct com-
plex buildings.
B is a critical parameter. It tunes the ratio between data adequacy
and caricature needs. Figure 9 shows the influence of beta on the
model given by the algorithm. This parameter is to be set accord-
ing to the degree of caricature desired for an application.
We have presented a novel algorithm for automatic building re-
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based methods, it uses a very generic modeling of buildings, not
restraint to a small number of shapes. Compared to data-driven
approaches, external knowledge is introduced through favored
constraints on primitives. Some promising results are presented
that show the validity of the approach. Future work will include
integration of cadastral maps in the system and evaluation of the
relative importance of each type of observation in the choice of
the final model. The need for heuristics to counter combinatorial
explosion of brute force search will also become mandatory when
dealing with bigger and more complex buildings.
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