Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 5: Lanes extracted in different images (a,b) and their superimposition (c) calculated using DSM (d: grayvalue coded DSM) 
system is designed in a hierarchical way (roads consist of lanes 
which again consist of markings and road sides, etc.), the confi- 
dence measure of each object are used in three different ways: 
a) Confidence propagation: Confidence values of lower level ob- 
jects (e.g., groups of markings and road sides) are combined us- 
ing the principles of fuzzy-set theory and propagated to the next 
level of the model hierarchy (e.g. lanes). 
b) Autonomous evaluation: According to our model for self- 
diagnosis, at each level, object knowledge not used for extrac- 
tion or evaluation at lower levels is incorporated, e.g., each lane 
should have a parallel counterpart (one lane roads are not con- 
sidered). Note that this evaluation is independent of propagated 
confidence values (therefore autonomous”). 
¢) Consistency check: The score of autonomous evaluation of a 
higher level object are used to test the consistency of lower level 
objects. Consider, for instance, a hypothesis of a two-lane road 
segment (i.e., the higher level object) of which the first lane is ex- 
tracted correctly but the other one is extracted only in fragments, 
e.g., due to inhomogeneities of the pavement. The latter lane 
hypothesis has consequently a low rating through autonomous 
evaluation, however, from the higher level point of view, there is 
strong evidence that this particular hypothesis is correct. Hence, 
such a hypothesis would pass the consistency check and is kept 
for further processing. In general, this means for the implementa- 
tion that a hypothesis—regardless of its autonomous evaluation— 
is kept as long as the next level in the model hierarchy is com- 
pletely processed and evaluated. 
Implementation: This concept is also applied and implemented 
for fusion of road information from multiple views. Lanes are 
extracted in each image separately (see Fig. 5) and projected on 
a fairly accurate DSM (grid size and accuracy ca. 2m). In case 
of overlapping lanes, the lane having the best (propagated) con- 
fidence value is selected first and its mutual overlap with other 
lanes 1s computed. The score for autonomous evaluation of such 
a lane is calculated from the overlap ratios of lanes extracted in 
other images including weights for their deviation in position and 
direction. After deleting redundant parts of lanes the lane with the 
second highest confidence value is selected, and so forth. Thus a 
unique set of fused lanes is achieved. In the next hierarchy level, 
road segments are constructed from the fused lanes, i.e., parallel 
and collinear lanes are merged. Note, that the individual lanes of 
a road segment may be fragmented as long as a parallel lane pro- 
vides a connection from one lane fragment to another fragment. 
The average degree of fragmentation of a road segment serves as 
consistency check for the fused lanes, i.e., lanes are rejected if 
not enough evidence is given for grouping them into larger road 
Tests with less accurate DSMs have shown that the use of lanes 
as objects to be fused may lead to matching ambiguities. Hence, 
an alternative version of the system (Hinz, 2003) uses the object 
"road segment"—Aan object with more semantics (see the model 
hierarchy in Fig. 1 a)—for fusion. 
Figures 6 and 7 illustrate the final result of road extraction in two 
parts of the Zurich Hoengg dataset (Baltsavias et al., 2001). As 
can be seen, major parts of the road networks have been extracted 
in spite ofthe high complexity ofthe scenes. The system is able to 
detect shadowed road sections or road sections with rather dense 
traffic (see e.g. Fig. 7 a and b). The results have been evaluated 
by matching the extracted road axes to manually plotted reference 
data. Table 1 summarizes the numerical values according to the 
definition of (Wiedemann, 2003). As can be seen, we achieve 
a completeness of more than 75 % and a correctness of about 
95 % regarding the extracted road axes that could be linked into a 
network. Also the evaluation of the network characteristics yields 
satisfying results since for all evaluation criteria (detour/shortcut 
factor, topological completeness, topological correctness) values 
close to the optimum are reached. 
| Evaluation criteria || Data setI: | Data set IL: | 
Completeness [%] 76.6 81.6 
Correctness [%] 98.8 95.0 
RMS-Error [m] 1.3 25 
Mean detour factor [ ] 1.04 1.05 
Mean shortcut factor [ ] 0.95 0.95 
Topological completeness [96] 100.0 84.0 
Topological correctness [%] 96.2 100.0 
Table 1: External Evaluation of extracted road axes. 
However, it must be noted that some of the lane segments have 
been missed or have been linked incorrectly (Fig. 7 b). This is 
most evident at complex road junctions and crossings in both im- 
age parts, where only spurious features for the construction of 
lanes have been extracted. Another obvious failure can be seen at 
the right branch of the junction in the central part of Data Set II 
(Fig. 7 a). The tram and trucks in the center of the road have been 
missed since our vehicle detection module is only able to extract 
vehicles similar to passenger cars. Thus, this particular road axis 
has been shifted to the lower part of the road where the imple- 
mented parts of the model fit much better. As a consequence, the 
RMS-value drops down from acceptable 1.3m in Data Set I to 
poor 2.5m in Data Set II. The interested reader may be referred to 
the much more exhaustive evaluation carried out in (Hinz, 2003). 
In summary, the results indicate that the presented system extracts 
roads even in complex environments. An obvious deficiency ex- 
ists in form of the missing detection capability for vehicle types 
as busses and trucks. However, the main bottleneck of our sys- 
tem is the (still) weak model for complex junctions. Hence, be- 
sides the aforementioned improvement of verifying connection 
hypotheses, one of our next steps will be directed towards the 
modelling and reliable detection of road junctions. As a final re- 
mark regarding the percentages of correctness and completeness 
we would like to mention that, in spite of the definitely encour- 
aging results, it would be unfair to disregard the fact that these 
percentages can be achieved only due to the expertise of the sys- 
tem developers in setting the parameters correctly (as it is surely 
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