|. Istanbul 2004
coded DSM).
xtraction in two
t al., 2001). As
> been extracted
system is able to
ith rather dense
been evaluated
lotted reference
ccording to the
en, we achieve
ctness of about
be linked into a
cteristics yields
'ectness) values
| Data set II:
pad axes.
segments have
= 7 by. This is
nes in both im-
construction of
> can be seen at
| of Data Set II
road have been
able to extract
cular road axis
1ere the imple-
nsequence, the
1 Data Set I to
y be referred to
n (Hinz, 2003).
system extracts
deficiency ex-
r vehicle types
>ck of our sys-
ns. Hence, be-
ing connection
:d towards the
. As a final re-
| completeness
initely encour-
fact that these
tise of the sys-
(as it is surely
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing
8 pean
eru S
Leng oy ic v
(a) External evaluation of road axes.
^m. u
m ua
(b) External evaluation of lanes.
Figure 6: External Evaluation of Data Set I: Reference matching
extraction (bold); missed reference (thin).
true for every experimental fully-automatic system at present). In
this field, we are still at the stage of fundamental research and
there are still many questions left open and still many steps to go
so that a state of maturity is reached to envisage a transition to
operational use.
In the last section of this paper, we will show that results like
those obtained above can give valuable support for other applica-
tions. We exemplify this by two complementary approaches for
monitoring traffic in urban areas. The first approach uses optical
data similar to that used for road extraction, while the second one
is designed to extract vehicles from thermal infrared data. In con-
trast to most related work on car detection, both approaches rely
upon local as well as global features of vehicles.
6.1 Car Detection in Optical Imagery
To model a vehicle for high resolution optical data, a 3D-
wireframe representation is used that describes the prominent ge-
ometric and radiometric features of cars including their shadow
region. The radiometric part of the model is adaptive because,
during extraction, the expected saliencies of various edge features
and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004
à XE Ed "- *. E bo
" ades
ed lanes.
Figure 7: Extraction and evaluation of Data Set II.
are automatically adjusted depending on viewing angle, vehicle
color, and current illumination direction. The extraction is carried
out by matching this model "top-down" to the image and evaluat-
ing the support found in the image. On global level, the detailed
local description is extended by more generic knowledge about
vehicles as they are often part of vehicle queues. Such groupings
of vehicles are modelled by ribbons that exhibit the typical sym-
metries and spacings of vehicles over a larger distance. To make
use of the supplementary properties of local as well as global
features, the algorithms for vehicle detection and vehicle queue
detection are run independently first. Then, the results of both are
fused and queues with enough support from the detailed vehicle
detection are selected and analyzed for rectangular blobs to re-
cover vehicles missed during the previous steps (see Fig. 8 a). De-
tails regarding the implementation of this approach can be found
in (Hinz, 2004b).
Typical problems are posed by cars that are not part of a queue
and whose sub-structures (hood, windshield, etc.) give not
enough evidence for a successful detection. However, the inte-
gration of intermediate or final results of road extraction helps es-
pecially to find such cars, since the road information around a car
now supplements the (missing) evidence of a car's sub-structures.
Figures 8 b) and c) show an example of extracting a car between
the ends of two lane segments.
6.2 Car Detection in Thermal Imagery
Compared to optical data, thermal imagery has generally a lower
resolution and usually a worse noise level because of the higher
sensitivity of the scanner. However, thermal sensors show also a
number of advantages—most notably their night imaging capa-
bility and their potential to derive temperature and temperature
differences of objects, thus allowing for inferences about the cur-
rent activity of objects even if they are not moving. For these
reasons, thermal imagery has become a very attractive alternative
for monitoring vehicle activity.