International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004
(b) Connection (black) between extrac- (c) Extracted car (incl. substructures)
ted lanes (white) as region of interest. within region of interest.
Figure 8: Extraction of cars in optical imagery.
Since vehicles appear only as small, elliptical, dark or bright
“blobs” in these images (resolution about 1m), many other ob-
jects in urban areas exhibit a very similar appearance. Thus, a
reasonable good system for vehicle detection from thermal im-
agery must make use of additional information. Knowledge about
the appearance of cars as repetitive patterns in dense traffic situ-
ations or in filled parking lots provides such additional informa-
tion. This kind of knowledge is used in the example shown in
Fig. 9 (Details regarding the methodology of the approach can be
found in (Hinz, 2004a)).
However, as can be also seen from Fig. 9, each car that is too far
away from another car has been rejected during generating ve-
hicle queues from the individual car hypotheses. To detect also
isolated cars with high confidence, information about the road —
or even better: the lane a car is driving on—needs to be included.
Unfortunately, this information is almost impossible to extract
from thermal imagery itself, since road sides are rarely visible
therein (see Fig. 9). But clearly, road data from an external source
are appropriate means to deliver the necessary information, and
the road extraction system described above is able to serve as
such a source. What is more, since it extracts not only road axes
but also lanes, even the current state of the system will poten-
tially be better suited for this particular application than common
map data. Further developments and tests will show whether this
expectation will be met.
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