Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

re not complete, 
gaps, due to the 
is optimized for 
d as a network. 
es can interfere 
of local context 
as, other global 
ion for the road 
is Information a 
scale modeling. 
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and incorporat- 
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in space. The 
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tion constraints) 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
(a) Layover effects of trees on — (b) Blurred vehicle moving in azimuth 
road section direction 
(c) Junction (d) Bridge and traffic signs 
Figure 1: Local context objects 
In open rural areas the appearance of roads corresponds reason- 
ably well to this model. Lines representing road centerlines can 
be extracted in a stable manner. Whenever the complexity of the 
scene increases, interactions between roads and other objects ap- 
pear frequently, e.g., neighbored objects cause shadow/layover 
regions, or moving vehicles cause bright peaks blurred in azimuth 
direction. In such situations, the line model holds no longer and 
an extraction system relying purely on such a model would be 
rather weak. It is necessary to take context information into ac- 
2.2 Context information 
The model for roads is now extended by context information. 
Context, in general, is restricted to knowledge about relations of 
the object of interest to other neighboring objects (Stat and Fis- 
chler, 1995). For roads, two levels of context can be distinguished 
like in (Baumgartner et al., 1999). 
e Local context describes knowledge about relations between 
roads and spatially neighbored objects (context objects). 
e Global context is characterized by the presence of other ob- 
jects in the larger region (context regions). In (Baumgartner 
et al., 1999) it is used to define an appropriate extraction 
technique . 
Here, both context levels will be taken into account. For deter- 
mining the relevent context objects and regions for roads in SAR 
imagery, a detailed analysis was carried out. Therefore, the road 
extraction of Sect. 3.1 was applied to indicate the difficulties. 
The false alarms and gaps in the road network were examinated 
22.1 Local context objects Situations in which neighbored 
objects make road extraction locally difficult are caused by the 
following local context objects. They are illustrated in Figure 1. 
e layover and shadow regions caused by buildings and alleys 
e blurred bright stripes caused by vehicles moving in azimuth 
* road junctions 
* bridges (indicated by the high backscattering of the metal 
barriers at the sides of the bridge and corner reflector inter- 
action with the ground) 
* large traffic signs at highways 
Many of the context objects are characterized by a high backscat- 
tering caused by metallic structures or by multiple bounces: in- 
dividual trees, larger traffic signs, bridges, blurred vehicles, etc. 
These phenomena exist in all SAR data, in E-SAR data as well as 
in AeS-1 data. In order to make it possible to use these objects as 
positive evidence for roads during the road extraction, they have 
to be explicitly modeled. 
2.2.1 Contextregions The road extraction depend also on the 
region where it is applied, i.e., on the global context. For instance, 
roads in urban areas have a quite different appearance from roads 
in forest areas or in rural areas. Precisely because the influence 
and presence of neighbored local objects and the density of those 
objects. For roads three global context regions are distinguished 
here, rural, urban, and forest areas. In rural areas the mentioned 
context objects are casual distributed, in contrast to forest and 
urban areas where trees and buildings are more frequent. Expe- 
rience shows that approaches that are suitable for road extraction 
in rural areas usually cannot be applied in other global contexts 
without modification. Often a completely different approach is 
required. Therefore, forest and urban areas are initially mask out 
for the extraction of rural roads (Figure 2). 
But urban areas are a high indicator for roads: Roads are orga- 
nized as a network connecting all areas inhabited and exploited 
by human beings. This semantical function of roads can be used, 
because it comprehends a reliable seed information for the road 
(a) SAR image, L-band 
(b) Rural area 
Figure 2: Global context 
2.3 Highways 
In contrast to rural roads, highways are mostly wider and for the 
side looking radar less occluded by context objects. A separate, 
detailed model for highway is set up in the following. Highways 
comprise two (anti-)parallel roads that are bordered by crash bar- 
riers. To extract such types of objects, the use of a multi-scale 
model has proven to be very important (see e.g. (Hinz and Baum- 
gartner, 2003)). In the highest resolution, a highway is character- 
ized by two parallel dark lines separated by a thin bright line, the 
central crash barrier. This crash barrier is a reliable feature, be- 
cause metal objects produce a strong radar backscattering. Fig- 
ure 3(a) illustrates this and some more typical effects depend- 
ing on the viewing angle: (A) Crash barriers orientated approx- 
imately in azimuth direction appear very bright, because of the 
corner reflector effect. (B) In other orientations, the high reflec- 
tion of the crash barrier is still present. (C) There are also some 
areas without any reflection. These are caused by radar shad- 
ows in case of very high objects nearby. (D) The corresponding 

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