Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

33. Istanbul 2004 
ition, about 6m 
Isewhere. There- 
also bridges, get 
line. Other ob- 
ple, alleys appear 
forth represented 
signs only appear 
tomatic) interpre- 
are added to the 
The same is true 
[hey are modeled 
ral terminals that 
1 now, context re- 
est areas from the 
the computation 
| segments, which 
1s. For this task a 
extracted directly 
orest areas, based 
nformation in the 
ontours of urban 
same way as de- 
reas to be a seed 
g the contour line 
traction attempts 
ide. Second, the 
network without 
the contours are 
ecause often, the 
n strategy for high- 
eses formation in 
sh resolution, (3) 
ration. (1) To cre- 
ind wide lines are 
re weighted with 
idth, length, cur- 
form for straight, 
t lines according 
1 the high resolu- 
d, i.e., candidates 
between. To get 
nclosing a bright 
ted according to 
ion, according to 
ines. (3) All hy- 
rategy. Thereby, 
highest weights. 
h-based grouping 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
The potential of using context information is demonstrated by 
two test sites: a rural-industrial test site near Munich, Germany 
(AeS-1 data) and a 1 1 km x 7,5 km extended rural test site in South 
Germany, Ehingen (E-SAR data), both X-band data. A quantita- 
tive evaluation of the results according to the evaluation scheme 
in (Wiedemann and Ebner, 2000) has been carried out with man- 
ually plotted reference data. As summarized in Table | and Ta- 
ble 2, by means of quality measures for completeness, correct- 
ness, and geometrical accuracy the extraction results are evalu- 
ated with and without introducing context information. The eval- 
uation shows that the results are relatively complete, especially 
for main roads (> 93 96). In both test sites the completeness and 
correctness could be improved by using context information. 
Figure 4: Extraction results (a) SAR image (b) Extraction result 
Without context (c) Extraction result with local context objects (d) 
Introduced local context objects: vehicle (line), trees and junc- 
tions (linking point) 
| | AeS-1 | AeS-1 with context | 
Completeness 66.7 9/o 69.7 % 
highways 63.8% 64.1 % 
main roads 94.9 % 95.5% 
secondary roads | 64.9% 71.3% 
Correctness 71.8% 72.8 % 
RMS 2.2m 2.2m 
Table 1: Evaluation of extraction results for Munich 
without with with local and 
local global context 
Completeness 84.6% | 85.3% 88.5% 
main roads 93.9% | 96.9% 97.2% 
secondary roads | 81.3% | 81.2% 85.4% 
Correctness 73.6% | 73.7% 73.6% 
RMS 2.2m 2.1m 21m 
Table 2: Evaluation of extraction results for Ehingen 
4.1 Results for context objects 
In the Munich test site more secondary roads have been extracted 
by the use of local context objects, especially due to the intro- 
duction of bridges. For highways, only a small improvement is 
reached. Obviously, introducing a traffic sign as a short line seg- 
ment is not sufficient. To cope with disturbances caused by reflec- 
tions at metallic structures, a feedback loop to the SAR process- 
ing would be necessary, e.g., a specialized technique to suppress 
the side lopes. 
In the case of the Ehingen test site some gaps in the road network 
could be closed by the aid of individual trees as potential road 
segments. As depicted in Figure 4 one small gap in the upper left 
part could be closed. The central gap isn’t totally caused by local 
context objects. Apart of layover of a large tree and a moving 
vehicle, the low contrast in between seems responsible for the 
missing extraction. Note, that only local gaps are supposed to be 
closed by local context information. 
Another aspect of modeling context is the higher robustness of the 
extraction. Influences of non-modeled objects are usually tried to 
be overcome by relaxing some of the parameters involved (e.g., 
parameters for grouping lines). On one side, this may lead to 
a more complete result; on the other side, the result is typically 
less correct since relaxed parameters cause more misdetections. 
However, when adding information about context objects during 
the extraction, the amount of gaps is usually less, so that the pa- 
rameters can be set much more restrictives. 
4.2 Results for context regions 
By introducing the contour line of urban areas the algorithm can 
start the network generation with this segments. Usually, roads 
nearby urban areas are more influenced by adjacent buildings or 
vegetation. That is the reason why these road segments are often 
missing in a conventional extraction. In Figure 4.1 the improve- 
ment by using global context is shown. Regarding the left village, 
two more outgoing branches could be extracted. Furthermore, the 
contour line might be used as basis to connect loose road parts 
to a topological correct road network. (To avoid confusion, the 
two lines running downwards from the village are just ways and 
therefore not part of the reference data (Figure 5(b)).) 
4.3 Results for highways 
We applied the extraction system to some test sites which con- 
tain highways. The results for a test site north of Karlsruhe are 

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