Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
[n this study, some of the terrain forms depending on elevation 
data for deriving topographical map information have been 
investigated. Then, an automatic line extraction algorithm 
coded firstly in FORTRAN by Chang et al. (1988) with the 
name PPA program have used for extracting the terrain skeleton 
lines by expending the effect of the branch reduction step. The 
algorithm is prepared to demonstrate the feasibility of digital 
elevation models and computer programming techniques in 
automation for extracting ridge and valley line systems of 
topographical relief. Finally, some of automatic valley line 
extraction results have compared with a topographical map 
which is drawn by a human operator from photogrammetric 
The terrain surface model is most commonly described either as 
a DEM, or as a digital terrain model (DTM) in literature. The 
form of DEM is defined as a regular two dimensional array of 
heights sampled above some datum that describes a surface. 
The other description of DEM is regular gridded matrix 
representation of the continuous variation of relief over space. 
On the other hand, the form of DTM contains elevation 
information with the addition of some explicit coding of the 
surface characteristics such as breaks in slope, drainage divides 
etc. Examples of DTMs include the triangulated irregular 
network (TIN), digital contours with form lines, and the richline 
model of Douglas that uses ridge, valley and form lines to 
define an elevation model (Wood, 1996). 
The points of DTM or DEM data set can systematically be 
collected using four different methods according to geometric 
disposition of the heights points on terrain surface (Figure 1). 
Type I Type lI 
ee E t TT 
Type III Type IV 
Figure 1. Height points data sets (Yoeli, 1984) 
Type I: Regular distances height points are ordered with 
squared grid as a DEM, 
Type II: Irregular distances height points are distributed along 
the equidistant parallel profiles, 
Type III: Horizontal arrays of equal height points, 
Type IV: Randomly distributed height points. 
The height points in Type I can be collected manually or 
automatically from photogrammetric stereo models. The height 
points in Type II can be collected manually where the slope is 
changed along the  equidistant parallel profiles from 
photogrammetric stereo models. The height points in Type III 
can be collected manually along the equal horizontal heights 
from photogrammetric stereo models or along the contours by 
digitizing from hardcopy topographical maps. The height 
points in Type IV can be collected where the slope is changed 
from photogrammetric stereo models or land surveying. 
Adequate logics for the analytical search of skeleton lines of the 
relief can, in principle, be formulated for all four types of 
D'TMs and there is no need to transform the Types II, III, IV, if 
initially so given, into a DTM of Type I by interpolating a 
secondary DTM superimposed on the original points (Yoeli, 
1984). For example, Aumann et al. (1991) and Tang (1992) are 
derived skeleton lines from digitized contours to generate high 
quality DTMs. Their data set is like Type III which is acquired 
from the contour maps. On the other hand, the simple matrix 
form of elevation values as Type I is the most efficient data to 
be able to processing with programming language. Due to its 
easy integration within a geographic information system (GIS) 
environment, the use of gridded matrix representation of the 
continuous variation of relief, which means DEM according to 
Wood (1996), has become widespread (Figure 1, Type 1). For 
the availability of gridded matrix representation, most scientists 
have used DEM form in order to extract the terrain skeleton 
lines in their studies (Yoeli, 1984; Wood, 1996; Chang, et al., 
The basis of the PPA algorithm is written by Chang in Visual 
Basic in three steps; target recognition, polygon breaking and 
branch reduction. After the three steps, the program produce 
smoothed or non-smoothed skeleton line segment coordinates in 
a text file. Figure 2 shows the steps of the program. 
The main difference of the *RidgeValleyAxisPicker' program 
from the original PPA program has been appeared on profile 
recognition in target recognition step. There is no profile in 
‘RidgeValleyAxisPicker’ program and all height points are 
target. Another difference is in branch reduction step. Because 
half of the profile length is unknown, there is no rule how many 
segments have been deleted for any branches in the step. 
In the study, the effect of branch reduction step of the 
*RidgeValleyAxisPicker' program is modified by deleting 
branches iteratively to obtain more suitable skeleton lines to the 
land form. 
3.1 Target Recognition 
Target recognition procedure is carried out in 'ConnectAll and 
‘SortSegment’ subroutines in the ‘RidgeValleyAxisPicker’ 
program. Both of the subroutines start automatically. Firstly, 
‘ConnectAll’ ties all of the DEM points which have elevation 
values, that means points are upper than sea level, with line 
segments. Secondly, ‘SortSegment’ sorts all of the segments 
according to their weights which are calculated by total 
elevation value of two points of a segment. Briefly, all of the 
DEM points, upper than sea level, are selected as target and tied 
with line segments, before the segments are sorted in target 
recognition step (Figure 3). 

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