Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing 
e Guidelines for a matching algorithm. For some appli- 
cations, we can suppose that the reliability of the viewing 
parameters and the 3D reconstruction is fixed. Hence, our 
bundle adjustment algorithm with error propagation can as- 
sess when the reliability goal is reached. If not, the match- 
ing algorithm still has to extract and match more features in 
order to increase the reliability in the given parameters. 
e Dealing with large scale surveys. The experiments were 
performed with a reduced amount of data (20-30 images, 
several hundreds of measures). Dealing with large-scale 
surveys will necessitate an optimized design and we will 
have to handle sparse matrix. Some optimization processes 
are well known in the photogrammetric community and de- 
scribed in (Triggs et al., 2000). 
e Spatial reasoning. A very promising area of research con- 
cerns the way to choose points and lines in images in order 
to improve the accuracy of the estimated parameters. As a 
matter of fact, the spatial distribution of the features (points 
and lines) inside the images, as well as the geometric ar- 
rangement of the camera, have a tremendous impact on the 
accuracy of the estimation of the different parameters of a 
bundle adjustment problem (Michaelsen and Stilla, 2003). 
Correlation analysis between different parameters will be of 
interest in order to estimate the crucial parameters. 
Introducing more knowledge concerning the data. More 
constraints or parameters can be introduced depending on 
the knowledge we have of the scene. For instance, vertical 
lines can be introduced in the bundle adjustment thanks to 
vanishing points or constraints on the 3D lines (Bentrah et 
al.. 2004), (Van den Heuvel, 2001). 
Bentrah, O.. Paparoditis, N. and Pierrot-Deseilligny, M., 2004. 
Stereopolis: An image based urban environments modeling sys- 
tem. In: MMT 2004. The 4th International Symposium on Mo- 
bile Mapping Technology, Kunming, China. 
Chou, J. and Kamel, M., 1991. Finding the position and orien- 
tation of a sensor on a robot manipulator using quaternions. The 
International Journal of Robotics Research 10(3), pp. 240—254. 
Faugeras, O., Luong, Q. and Papadopoulo, T., 2001. The Geom- 
etry of Multiple Images. The MIT Press. 
Fórstner, W., 2004. Uncertainty and projective geometry. In: 
E. Bayro-Corrochano (ed.), Handbook of Computational Geom- 
etry for Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, Neurocomputing 
and Robotics, Springer. 
Habib, A., 1999. Aerial triangulation using point and linear fea- 
tures. In: ISPRSGIS99, pp. 137-142. 
Hartley, R. and Zisserman, A., 2002. Multiple View Geometry in 
Computer Vision. Cambridge Univ. Press. HAR 12 02:1 L.Ex. 
Heuel. S.. 2001. Points, lines and planes and their optimal estima- 
tion. In: Pattern Recognition, 23rd DAGM Symposium, LNCS, 
Springer, pp. 92-99. 
Kraus, K., 1993. Photogrammetry. Dmmler/Bonn. 
Kumar, R. and Hanson, A., 1994. Robust methods for estimating 
pose and a sensitivity analysis. CVGIP 60(3), pp. 313-342. 
Michaelsen, E. and Stilla, U., 2003. Good sample consensus esti- 
mation of 2d-homographies for vehicle movement detection from 
thermal videos. In: R. S. International Archieves of the Pho- 
togrammetry and S. I. Sciences (eds), Proceedings of the ISPRS 
Conference on Photogrammetric Image Analysis PIA'03, Mu- 
nich, Vol. 34, Part 3/W8, pp. 125-130. 
Taillandier, F. and Deriche, R., 2002. Reconstruction of 3D linear 
primitives from multiple views for urban areas modelisation. In: 
PCV'02, Vol. 34:3B, pp. 267-272. 
and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
Torr, P. H. S. and Davidson, C., 2003. Impsac: A synthesis of 
importance sampling and random sample census. PAMI 25(3), 
pp. 354-365. 
Triggs. B., McLauchlan, P., Hartley, R. and Fitzgibbon, A., 2000. 
Bundle adjustment — A modern synthesis. In: W. Triggs, A. Zis- 
serman and R. Szeliski (eds), Vision Algorithms: Theory and 
Practice, LNCS, Springer Verlag, pp. 298-375. 
Van den Heuvel. F. A., 2001. Towards automatic relative orien- 
tation for architectural photogrammetry. In: ISPRS Commission 
V, WG V/2. 
Xu, G. and Zhang, Z., 1996. Epipolar Geometry in Stereo, Mo- 
tion and Object Recognition. Kluwer Academic Publisher. 
* Institut 
^ INRIA Rhóne- 
Short Stereoscopi 
In this paper we ir 
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cessin is not requir 
In this paper we in 
photographies acqi 
describe an image | 
relative and partial 
multi-view rig. 
The Stereopolis is t 
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of georeferenced te: 
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three pairs of 4k + . 
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of georeferencing a 
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The two frontal fa 
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tures (lampposts, tr 
) and two short ste 
of the vehicle to su 
The short vertical st 
augment the field o 
mm focal length len 
at a distance of 6 nx 
In the scope of the 
this system to estim:

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