Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

3. Istanbul 2004 
O.K. (1990). 
al Methods in 
3° data® IEEE 
g, Vol. 28: pp. 
ssification of 
ial Data Using 
e ASPRS 1994 
W.B. (1995). 
rtificial Neural 
sing, Vol. 6l. 
assification of 
1ce and remote 
The Effect of 
ineering and 
nage Analysis: 
University of 
A.M. Marangoz “ *, M. Oruc?, G. Buyuksalih * 
*ZKU, Engineering Faculty, Department of Geodesy and Photogrammetry Engineering 67100 Zonguldak, Turkey - 
aycanmarangoz@hotmail.com, murat_oruc@mynet.com, gbuyuksalih@yahoo.com 
PS WG H1/4 
KEY WORDS: Hierarchical, Contextual, Segmentation, Object-oriented, Classification, High resolution 
Traditional pixel-based approaches are based exclusively on the grey value of pixel itself. Thereby only the spectral information is 
used for the classification. The situation becomes worse when extracting the certain features only. An object-oriented image analysis 
is implemented in order to overcome the limitation mentioned above. The existing software, eCognition v3.0 allows the polygon 
based classification process. It is based on fuzzy logic, allows the integration of a broad spectrum of different object features, such as 
spectral values, shape and texture. This study demonstrated the extraction of buildings and roads from the high-resolution Ikonos 
pan-sharpened image data by first dividing it into the segments and then classifying it using the spectral, spatial and contextual 
information. The test site was agro-industrial area in the city of Zonguldak which has rolling topography along the Black Sea coast. 
Land use classification results as well as the spatial information can be exported to GIS environment for evaluation purposes with 
existing larger scale cadastral maps and other available ground truth materials. 
Classification relies on the pixel-based approaches is limited at 
present. Typically, they have considerable difficulties dealing 
with the rich information content of high-resolution data e.g. 
Ikonos images, they produce inconsistent classification results 
and they are far beyond the expectations in extracting the object 
of interest. This situation brings meaningful operator 
intervention to the implementation. Due to mentioned nature of 
classical methods, new and object-oriented image analysis of 
eCognition software can be used. Such algorithm requires one 
or more image segmentations which should also be supported 
by the additional information like contextual or textual to.make 
the segments more appropriate for improve classifications. 
Object-oriented approach takes the form, textures and spectral 
information into account. Its classification phase starts with the 
crucial initial step of grouping neighboring pixels into 
meaningful areas, which can be handled in the later step of 
classification. Such segmentation and topology generation must 
be set according to the resolution and the scale of the expected 
objects. By this method, not single pixels are classified but 
homogenous image objects are extracted during a previous 
segmentation step. This segmentation can be done in multiple 
resolutions, thus allowing to differentiate several levels of 
object categories. Automatic recognition and segmentation of 
the common objects, eg. buildings and houses from high- 
resolution images, eg. Ikonos and Quickbird was investigated 
Some users with a certain degree of success (see, Hofmann, 
2001a, b and c). 
In this study, object-based classification of buildings and roads 
in the Zonguldak testfield of Turkey has been realized by 
eCognition v3.0 software. Classification procedure has been 
* I. . 
Corresponding author. 
implemented using pan-sharpened Ikonos image of the interest 
area. Such an image can be easily formed by the pan- 
sharpening module of PCI Geomatica 9.1.1 system. Several 
tests have been carried out to match with the successful 
segmentation, then the classification by entering different 
parameters to the used software. Authors, finally comments on 
the pros and cons of the object-oriented based image analysis 
with the detailed explanation of the obtained results. 
Zonguldak testfield is located in Western Black Sea region of 
Turkey. It is famous with being one of the main coal mining 
areas in the world. Although losing economical interest, there 
are several coal mines still active in Zonguldak. Area has a 
rolling topography, in some parts, with steep and rugged terrain. 
While partly built city area is located alongside the sea coast, 
there are some agricultural lands and forests in the inner part of 
the region. The elevation ranges roughly up to 800m inside the 
area covered by Ikonos imagery. Two Ikonos Geo PAN images 
of this testfield were purchased from SI Eurasia which is the 
regional affiliate of SI and located in the Turkish Capital, 
Ankara. Important characteristics included in the metadata files 
of these images are given as follows: 
Ikonos Geo-product PAN 
* * 1 € y ac 
Characteristics images 
Image I Image II 
02/07/2002, | 02/10/2002 
Date, Time 08:52 GMT | 08:59 GMT 

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