Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
The immune system possesses several properties such as 
self/nonself discrimination immunological memory, positive 
/negative selection, immunological network, clonal selection 
and learning which performs complex tasks. 
3.1 Clonal Selection Theory 
[n order to explain how an immune response is mounted when a 
nonself antigenic pattern is recognized by a B cell, clonal 
selection theory is been developed(F. M. Burnet, 1959). When a 
B-cell receptor recognizes a nonself antigen with a certain 
affinity, it is selected to proliferate and produce antibodies in 
high volumes. The antibodies are soluble forms of the B-cell 
receptors that are released from the B-cell surface to cope with 
the invading nonself antigen. Antibodies bind to antigens 
leading to their eventual elimination by other immune cells. 
Proliferation in the case of immune cells is asexual, a mitotic 
process; the cells divide themselves. During reproduction, the 
B-cell clones undergo a hyper mutation process that, the Ag 
stimulates the B cell to proliferate and mature into terminal Ab 
secreting cells, named plasma cells. The process of cell division 
generates a clone. In addition to proliferating and differentiating 
into plasma cells, the activated B cells with high antigenic 
affinities are selected to become memory cells with long life 
spans. These memory cells circulate through the blood, lymph, 
and tissues. When exposed to a second antigenic 
stimulus ,commence to differentiate into plasma cells capable of 
producing high-affinity Ab’s, preselected for the specific Ag 
that had stimulated the primary response, Fig.l illustrates the 
clonal selection, expansion, and affinity maturation processes. 
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Fig.1 Clonal selection principle 
High affinity 
memory cells 
3.2 Clonal Selection Algorithm(CLONALG) 
L.N.De Castro, F..J. Von zuben developed the Clonal Selection 
Algorithm on the basis of clonal selection theory of the immune 
system(L.N.De Castro, F. J. Von zuben, 2000b). It was proved 
that can perform pattern recognition and adapt to solve multi- 
modal optimization tasks. The CLONALG algorithm can be 
described as follows: 
1. Randomly initialize a population of individual(M); 
2. For each pattern of P, present it to the population M and 
determine its affinity with each element of the population M; 
3. Select n of the best highest affinity elements of M and 
generate copies of these individuals proportionally to their 
affinity with the antigen. The higher the affinity, the higher the 
number of copies, and vice-versa; 
4. Mutate all these copies with a rate proportional to their 
affinity with the input pattern: the higher the affinity, the 
smaller the mutation rate; 
5. Add these mutated individuals to the population M and 
reselect m of these maturated individuals to be kept as 
memories of the systems; 
6. Repeat steps 2 to 5 until a certain criterion is met. 
Remote sensing image classification procedure involves two 
steps. The first stage is the training of the system with a set of 
sample data. Generally, sample data is obtained by selecting the 
Region of Interest. In this paper, AIS is applied to train the 
sample data. After the training is complete, the remote sensing 
images are given for classification. 
4.1 Training 
As explained above, the training is done wet a set of sample 
images. The sample images are obtained by selecting region of 
interest(ROI). To every region of interest, The training 
procedure is as follows: 
|l. Initialization. Available Ab repertoire that can be 
decomposed into several different subsets. Let Ab, represent 
the set of memory cells. Ab; represent the set of remaining Ab. 
Ab 7 Abi « Abi, (r*mzN). This is done by randomly choosing 
training antigens to be added to the set of memory cells Ab; 
and to the set of Ab. For each antigen Ag in the training set 
perform the following steps. 
2. Randomly choose an antigen Ag. in ROI and present it to 
all. Ab's. Determine the vector aff , that contains the affinity 
of Ag, to all the N Ab's in Ab. For the current investigation, 
aes distance d; is the primary metric of affinity. The 
Affinity aff, is defined as in equation(2) below: 
aff; 5 -d; (2) 
where | bm the number of remote sensing image bands. 
3. Select the 5 highest affinity Ab’s from Ab to compose a new 
set Ab}, of high affinity Ab’s in relation to Ag , and 
In Ab 
ton find the highest affinity memory cell, 7C,,,,., . 
4. Clone the r selected Ab's based on their antigenic affinities, 
generating the clone set Cl, The higher the antigenic affinity, 
the higher the number of clones generated for each of the n 
selected Ab's. The total number of clones generated N, IS 
defined in equation(3) as follow: 
N, = Y. round (P (3) 
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to Ag 
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step 3. 

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