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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004
Figure 7: Results of the automatic approach for extraction of
trees. Trees are depicted as white circles, the
background image is a part of the CIR
orthoimage. The subset is equivalent to the scene
in Figure 2.
For the 3D visualisation in Figure 2 the diameter of the trees
were used to scale the whole 3D model of the tree. Further
work will be on a refinement of the visualisation: The shape
and the colour of the extracted trees shall be used to define
different classes of trees models in order to get a more
realistic visualisation. As the algorithm was originally
designed for the extraction of trees from image data (and the
surface model, which can be computed from image using
correlation techniques), the last pulse data of the laser
scanner is not used at the moment. This additional
information will be used to make the extraction more reliable
and complete.
The author would like to thank Claus Brenner, who has
sponsored the laser scan from his project at the institute of
cartography and geoinformatics. The buildings of the
Hanover 3D city model were reconstructed by Adele
Elmhorst and Ulla Wissmann. Only with their work it was
possible to make this paper as it is: with the example
including buildings. Many thanks go also to the students and
tutors of the Seminar-3D-Team for their work in the recent
project seminar.
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