Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

3. Istanbul 2004 
9 model 
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shown in Fig.5. 
n process. 
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feature vectors. 
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this process is 
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1 the consensus 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
area R that has arbitrary shape and size around the target 
a” e median(d^ R) (9) 
where median() = a function which returns median value 
(3) Feedback process 
The convergent characteristics of mapping varies due to not 
only the evaluation value but also the size of sub-area, shape 
and size of consensus area and so on. After several competition 
and consensus process, these parameters are updated and these 
processes are repeated. Feedback process is terminated when 
all shifts in mapping are below a predefined value or the 
iteration number of process reaches the preset one. 
Output Layer 
T + 
Y 7 Search 
2X / 
5 ZZ Area 
Unit Element 
i | * Sub-a rea a (Image Pixel) 
S Output Layer OOO 000000 
Input Layer Correlation Input Layer OOO OO000 
: hl RES 4- Operation Processing 
| Unit | | Hon "998000909 
Mapping Layer 
Consensus Area 
Figure 5. Conceptual diagram for adaptive nonlinear mapping 
3 nonlinear 
à mapping 
34 Evaluation of Change Detection Ability by ROC 
For evaluating of the automatic change detection ability, we use 
ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) chart, which has been 
widely used in evaluating the performance of radar and sonar 
systems (Vantree, 1968). For our application, we redefined the 
equations as follows. 
PD = Nr/ Nc 
PF = Nf /(Nt — Ne) 
Nf = Na— Nr 
where PD = Probability of detection 
PF = Probability of false alarm 
Nr = Number of buildings which are correctly detected 
of the changes 
Nc = Number of buildings which are actually changed 
Nf = Number of buildings which are incorrectly 
detected of the changes 
Nt = Number of targeted buildings 
Na = Number of buildings which are automatically 
detected as the changed buildings 
As in general, when we adjust the threshold level that specifies 
the changed and non-changed area separately so as to get higher 
PD value, at the same time the ratio of false change detection 
increase, which means higher PF. Therefore when we plot the 
ROC chart with PF value as x-axis and PD as y-axis, an ideal 
curve should rise rapidly in upper left direction. 
The number of buildings is used when vector maps of buildings 
are available. However when digital maps are not available in 
2D image matching method, pixel number is used for the 
4.1 Process Flow 
The flow of 3D image matching is shown in Fig.7. In this 
approach, we assume that stereo models with exterior 
orientation before and after the earthquake and latest digital 
map data managed by national or local government are 
In the first step, matching between buildings in digital map and 
stereo models is executed. If the digital map is 2D, each 
altitude of building will be calculated by supposing that all 
nodes of the polygon have the same height, making all 
polygons of buildings 2.5D. This process is conducted by 
matching raster image and vector data with consideration of 
geometric constraint based on exterior orientation parameter. 
Namely under the condition that x-y coordinates of a polygon 
building is fixed, z coordinate (altitude) is gradually shifted and 
projected photo coordinate as raster image for evaluating 
matching criterion in each supposed z value. Finally the most 
suitable height is selected where the best matching criterion is 
given. The cross correlation coefficient is used as evaluation 
function in this study. In the same way, z-direction polygon 
matching is executed in both stereo models before and after the 
If there are changed areas in the image after earthquake, 
inconsistency of altitude between stereo models will occur. 
Therefore change detection by z-difference is performed in the 
next step. 
The decision of whether a building has changed or not is carried 
out by the following judgement. 
A = Z er 2 dns : changed (1 ] ) 
others: not changed 
where Zbefore = Estimated altitude of building in before 
Zier = Estimated altitude of building in after 
Zihres = Threshold of altitude difference 
[n the next step, decision of change detection by texture 
analysis is carried out so as to solve the case that change has 
occurred with minor height change. The following image 
texture indexes are applied in this study. Indexes show 
"constant (C)", *angular second moment (A)", "entropy (E)" 
and “mean (M)” respectively (Weszka et al., 1976). 

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