Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

. Istanbul 2004 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
0.5 - 1.5 for angular second moment, 0.0 for entropy and 0.0 - 
1.0 for mean by some supervised learning experiments. 
Another experimental result for change detection between aerial 
photos in 1998 and 2003 shows 80% of right change detection 
can be achieved when false alarms are about 6% in 3D image 
matching method (Fig.15). The result of Fig.14 is poor 
compared to this result. This is probably caused by long 
passage years of the image to be compared and the influence of 
clouds that are visible in Fig.9 (a). 
(b) Photo interpretation result 
(green: not changed, red: changed) 
(a) Target area of photo 
Figure 12. Photo interpretation result 
Not changed (Nt - Nc) 
Over detection (Nf) 
Under detection (Nc - Nf) 
Right detection (Nr) 
Figure 13. Change detection by 3D image matching method 
i -] 
68r 7 
04 1 
rr dx hoa 1 1 |l ero ries 
0 1:2 3 4 5160 7 8 9 MW (in) 0 0.2 04 0.6 0.8 | 
Shift of building's height 
Figure 14. Change detection ability by 3D image matching 
method (1995 - 2003) 
croi T TU TT ST T T TET 
PF / PD 
04r 1 
a la ps d 
eie d: 1 1 1 
0 12-3541. 5 6.7 8.9 10m) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 
Shift of building's height 
Figure 15. Change detection ability by 3D image matching 
method (1998 - 2003) 
In this study, we proposed a change detection approach 
objected for metropolis right after the disaster with automatic 
image processing of aerial imageries. We introduced two 
different types of approaches that are 2D image matching 
method and 3D image matching method. The first method is 
for the case when no orientation information is available. The 
second approach aims at acquiring not only 2-dimensional 
changes’ distribution but also quantitative 3-dimensional shifts 
by matching between former digital terrain data and images 
after the disaster. 
Evaluation tests were performed "with actual aerial imageries 
that were taken right after the earthquake and several years later. 
To evaluate change detection ability, comparison of change 
detection results with photo interpretation by human operator is 
utilized. For quantitative estimation ROC chart was applied, 
which plots the sequential probability of detection against the 
probability of false alarm. As a result, 80 % of right change 
detection has been achieved when false alarms are about 30 % 
in 2D image matching method and 18 % in 3D image matching 
method respectively. 
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IEEE Trans. Syst, Man, Cybern., vol. SMC-6, no. 4, pp.269- 
This work was supported by the Special Project for Earthquake 
Disaster Mitigation in Urban Area. 

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