Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

Prudente, SP, 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
is called candidate. For each road object case, the endpoints of 
both straight line segments (base and candidate) are 
orthogonally projected from one to each other, resulting only in 
two points projected between endpoints. For example, in the 
figure 1(a) the endpoints of the candidate straight line segment 
are projected into two points of the base straight line segment. 
The opposite occurs with case 2 (figure 1(b)). In relation to 
cases 3 and 4, as respectively illustrated in figures 1(c) and 
1(d), only one endpoint of a straight line segment is projected 
between endpoints of other straight line segment, and vice- 
versa. In all cases, two end points belonging to the base and/or 
candidate straight line segment and two projected endpoints are 
combined to build quadrilaterals very close in shape to 
rectangles. Each road object gives rise to a quadrilateral, being 
each one identified as crosshatched area in the figure 1. The 
axis of each quadrilateral coincides with a short road centreline. 
The building of the four road objects is based on a rule set 
constructed from a priori road knowledge. The main rules used 
to identify and build road objects are described below: 
. Anti-parallelism rule: According to this rule, two image 
gradient vectors taken at two opposite road edge points, and 
belonging to the same road cross section, are in 
approximately opposite directions. Beside this, they are 
approximately orthogonal to the road edges. This also means 
that if the road edges are approximated by polygons, the 
image gradient vectors computed at edge pixels fitted to each 
straight line segment (of a polygon) are close to parallel. 
Thus, a compact and effective representation for the image 
gradient vectors, computed for each straight line segment, is 
the mean image gradient vector; 
. Parallelism and proximity rule: by this rule, two straight 
line segments, base and candidate, are compatible to a road 
object if they were approximately parallel and sufficient 
close to each other; 
. Homogeneity rule: the road pixel grey levels do not vary too 
much, at least within short road segments. Thus, the area 
inside each quadrilateral must be approximately 
4. Contrast rule: roads usually contrast sharply with the 
background, meaning that each road object quadrilateral and 
its background must show a high contrast; 
.Superposition rule: a base and candidate straight line 
segments are compatible if only if two of their endpoints can 
be orthogonally projected onto each other. It is just this rule 
that gives rise to four cases of road object depicted in the 
figure 1. For example, in the case 1 the two endpoints of the 
candidate straight line segment are orthogonally projected 
onto the base straight line segment, giving rise to the 
quadrilateral of road object of case 1; 
. Fragmentation rule: as roads are usually smooth curves, 
polygons composed by short straight lines are not usually 
related to roads. For examples, image noise can generate 
short and isolate polygons. However, parts of polygons with 
very short straight line segments can be extracted from a road 
crossing where the curvature is much more accentuated. 
Another case is related to very perturbed road edges (by 
shadow or obstruction, for example), which may give rise to 
many short straight line segments connected to form a 
polygon. In these places the road objects are difficult to be 
formed, as the two first rules are hardly satisfied at all. Thus, 
cases involving short straight line segments are not 
considered and possible extraction fails (for examples, road 
crossings not extracted) are left to be handled by other 
strategies, which are based on previously extracted road 
segments and other road knowledge, as e.g. context - relation 
between roads and other objects like trees and building. 
The order of application of the rules presented above is 
important, mainly when the base and candidate straight line 
segments are incompatible, as it can avoid in most cases the 
verification of all rules for road object construction. The first 
rule to be applied is the sixth as it allows parts of or whole 
polygons potentially not related with road objects to be 
eliminated. The next rule to be applied is the fifth, avoiding the 
use of another set of rules in the case this rule is not satisfied. In 
the following, the order of rule to be applied is the 2™ rule, the 
1* rule, the 3? rule, and the 4" rule. A road object is accepted if 
all rules are satisfied. 
2.2 Road Segment Extraction by Grouping Road Objects 
As described above, the road objects are constructed by 
combining the base and candidate straight line segments, which 
in turn belong to polygons representing all relevant image 
edges. Each road object is a local representation for the longest 
straight segment of a road segment. Thus, the problem we have 
in hands is how to connect the road objects to form the road 
2" Case | | 2" Case | 
1* Case 
3" Case 
2" Case 1* Case 1* Case 
3"! Case 
(c) (d) 
2" Case 
Figure 2. Connections between road objects 
Figure 2 shows the possible connections to the left and to the 
right between the road objects. Figure 2(a) shows that 1* case 
road object can connect to the left with the 2"* and 3 cases and 
to the right with the 2" and 4™ cases. The 2" case road object 
(figure 2(b)) can connect to the left with the 1* and 4" cases 
and to the left with the 1* and 3" cases. Note that the 3" and 4™ 
cases (figures 2(c) and 2(d) respectively) can connect 
themselves to both the left and the right cases. 
[n order to construct a road segment by combining road objects, 
two polygons are selected and their straight line segments are 
combined two-by-two and the resulting road objects are 
connected sequentially. The advantage of using the connection 
rules is that the construction of any new road object is limited to 
one or two cases (figure 2). The great problem of the polygon 
combination is the large search space if no heuristic is used. For 
high-resolution images, an efficient way for drastically reducing 
the search space is to use strategies based on the space scale, 
which allow the elimination of most part of previously 
extracted polygons (Baumgartner et al., 1999). 

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