Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
Candidate polygon 
Base polygon 
Figure 3. Examples of possible combinations between the base 
and candidate polygons 
Figure 3 shows the combination of polygons representing the 
edges of a same road. One of polygons being combined is 
labelled base and another one is labelled candidate. As also 
shown in figure 3, the base polygon can be compatible with 
more than one candidate polygon. This means that a base 
polygon needs to be combined with candidate polygons until 
the whole base polygon is combined. Assuming that every 
combination gives true results, parts of or whole polygons (base 
or candidate) are removed from the search space after they are 
Linking between 
road segments 
Figure 4. Extraction of road segments. (a) Extraction of road 
objects; and (b) Connection of the road objects 
The application of methodology described above to the 
illustrative example of figure 3 would allow the result shown in 
figure 4 to be obtained. 
Supposing that the base polygon is combined from the right to 
the left (figure 4(a)), two road objects are constructed by 
combining the base polygon with the first candidate polygon. 
The connection between these two road objects generate a first 
road segment (figure 4(b)), which in turn can be decomposed 
into three consecutive quadrilaterals. The vertices of these 
quadrilaterals allow the definition of a short road segment 
centreline. Now the combination of the base polygon with the 
second candidate polygon generates the second road segment 
constituted by only one quadrilateral. The straight line segment 
of the base polygon not integrating to both road segments 
extracted, may be a useful information for further analyses of 
the reasons for the missing road segment. It is an evidence that 
both extracted road segments are anyway related. For example, 
there could be a "T" or "Y" road crossing. Therefore, everything 
providing information on road segment extraction problem 
should be preserved for further use in automatic completion 
strategies of the road network. 
In order to evaluate the potential of the methodology for road 
segment extraction, two experiments with real image data are 
carried out. As this methodology is appropriate for road 
segment extraction from medium- and high- resolution images 
of rural scenes, one image of medium-resolution and another of 
high-resolution are used. 
Figure 5. Result obtained with the medium-resolution image 
The first experiment is carried out with a medium-resolution 
image (500 x 500 pixels), in which the main roads manifest as 
ribbons with 6-pixel width. Figure 5 shows this image and the 
results overlaid on it. Parts of polygons used to construct the 
road segments and their centrelines are overlaid on the input 
image. In this experiment, an average road width of 6 pixels is 
used to set up the road objects, meaning that only main road 
segments can be extracted. The results obtained can be 
considered close to the expected one. Two exceptions are short 
road segments pointed out by arrows, which should be 
extracted. Thus, new control strategies are needed to increase 
the method efficiency. Other fails are expected due to the 
missing edges and other anomalies along both roads. For these 
places and especially for road crossings no road objects can be 
constructed and, as a result, a fragmented road network, 
composed by isolate road segments, is extracted. Specific 
strategies for road crossing reconstruction and road segments 
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