International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004
> o 7j X Fs XY Org 7 Yin)
Jen =X) +p — Yi)
where / = the index of the edge line
j = the index of the overlapped image
k = the index of the edge pixel
The photo coordinates vi (x;;, yı) and vix(xi», y;;) are functions
of the unknown model parameters, comparatively the exterior-
orientation parameters of photos are known. Therefore, dj; will
be a function of the model parameters. Taking a box model for
instance, d;; will be a function of w, 1, h, a, dX, dY, and dZ,
with the hypothesis that a normal building rarely has a tilt angle
(f) or swing angle (s). The least-squares solution for the
unknown parameters can be expressed as:
Yo = SF Ow lh a, 40 47 dDOF = win, (2)
Eq.(2) is a nonlinear function with regard to the unknowns, so
that the Newton's method is applied to solve for the unknowns.
The nonlinear function is differentiated with respect to the
unknowns and becomes a linear function with regard to the
increments of the unknowns as follows:
+ 0 ik OF oF, oF, jk
da ESTA AN — | Mel —2 | Aa+
E ed Kt hen em ru. 0
OF, oF, oF;
© | AdX-4 —— | AdY+| — | AdZ
aX J, adY J, 772
in which, Fj) is the approximation of the function Fix
calculated with given approximations of the unknown
parameters. Given a set of unknown approximations, the least-
squares solution for the unknown increments can be obtained,
and the approximations are updated by the increments.
Repeating this calculation, the unknown parameters can be
solved iteratively.
The linearized equations can be expressed as a matrix form:
V=AX-L, where A is the matrix of partial derivatives; X is the
vector of the increments; L is the vector of approximations; and
V is the vector of residuals. The objective function actually can
be expressed as q-VTV— min. For each iteration, X can be
solved by the matrix operation: X-(AlAy'A!L. The iteration
normally will converge to the correct answer. However,
inadequate relevant image features, affected by irrelevant
features or noise, or given bad initial approximations may lead
the computation to a wrong answer.
The test data are aerial photos of the NCKU campus, digitized
by the photogrammetric scanner in 254m resolution. The
original photos are taken with a 305.1 1mm-focal-length aerial
camera in the height about 1600m, so the average photo scale is
about 1:5000. The end-lap between photos is more than 60%,
and the side-lap is more than 30%. In the tests, buildings were
extracted from the stereo image pairs formed by end-lap. Ten
various buildings were arbitrarily selected for the test. All of the
buildings are properly represented by a combination of box and
gable-roof primitives, totally 23 primitives. For each primitive
model, it takes about 20 sec to complete the fitting. Figure 9
shows an example of the fitting results. To evaluate the
accuracy of LSMIF, all of the visible building corners were also
measured by an experienced operator with an analytical plotter.
Table 2 lists the average and RMS differences.
Table 2. The average and RMS differences of the building
corner coordinates derived from LSMIF and manual
X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
Average Diff. 0.161 0.007 0.047
RMS Diff. 0.330 0.277 1.034
Figure 9. (a) The image pair superimposed with the extracted
edge pixels (red) and the projected wire-frame
model (green) after manual approximate fitting.
(b) The fitting result.
The objective of this study is to provide a semi-automated
model-based building extraction system which can improve the
efficiency of extracting and modelling buildings from multiple
photogrammetric images. There are a number of characteristics
of the proposed approach:
€ The semi-automated strategy combines human ability on
image interpretation and computer algorithmic potential.
€ Compare to the traditional point-by-point mapping system,
this approach provide floating models to extract data object-
€ It is able to handle multiple images simultaneously, even
combines aerial and close-range images.
€ There is no need for stereo viewing.
€ It complies with the constructive solid geometry, so the
complex building can be modelled by a number of primitives.
The experiments results have shown the reliability and potential
of this approach. If introducing adequate constraints, the
influence from irrelevant noise data can be decreased and the
accuracy will be improved. Besides, the floating models are not
only capable of extracting buildings, but also capable of
determining image orientation. The ideal scenario would be
integrating the aerial and close-range photogrammetry. First,
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