. Istanbul 2004
ied, the results
refer to three
to the original
ng (13) at all
esulting curve
xt finer scale.
vailable in the
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004
Figure 4. Convergence of the snake at increasing scale
The whole process is rapidly convergent. The final result is
shown below. Comparison with ground truth is currently under
Figure 5. Snake at original image
We have employed an algorithm which utilizes a modified
version of the active contour model, using a class of external
forces defined by the negative of the modulus of wavelet
transform of the image. The wavelet-based active contour
model combine wavelet decomposition and edge detection in a
single procedure. It has been applied to SAR sateilite images to
determine the coastline. Obtained results are encouraging, and
further tests are in progress.
The work described in the present paper has been funded in
part through project 23 of CIPE-MIUR CLUSTER 22.
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