Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
Prior to the aerial survey being carried out, fifty-four one-metre 
diameter white targets were laid, distributed to ensure that an 
adequate number would be visible within the image overlap. 
These were coordinated using a Leica TCR307 total station, 
providing data with 7” angle measurement precision and 2 mm 
+2 ppm. Two control markers were monumented and observed 
in a static Global Positioning System (GPS) network, allowing 
the various acquisition techniques to be registered to the UTM 
coordinate system, a plane projection of WGS-84. These 
control points formed the total station set-ups for observing the 
ground targets. Convergent imagery of the targets was captured 
during the aerial sortie, and used to calibrate the DCS 660 
camera in a self-calibrating bundle adjustment, resulting in a 
root mean square (RMS) error of 0.35 uum and a relative 
network precision of 1:42,000. 
3.3 Conventional Orientation 
Imagery was processed in Leica Geosystems' SOCET SET 
version 4.3.1 (now owned wholly by BAE Systems), a digital 
photogrammetric workstation allowing image orientation and 
DEM extraction. A model was conventionally orientated in 
SOCET SET using a stereopair of images captured from 600 m 
and six of the targets as GCPs; these were distributed 
throughout the stereocoverage to attain a strong adjustment 
solution — less than 0.01 m coordinate residuals and an image 
residual of 0.38 pixels. At 1:22,000 and with a 60% overlap, 
this configuration provided a B/H ratio of 0.4 resulting in an 
expected heighting precision of 0.35 m (Light, 2001). 
Following orientation, a DEM was created using the automatic 
terrain extraction (ATE) facility of the DPW. Least squarcs 
correlation is used for this task, and the adaptive parameter 
strategy was chosen for extracting the DEMs. This is a more 
sophisticated algorithm than the non-adaptive methods, 
parameter strategies of which are determined according to user- 
specified terrain types. Instead of requiring a single parameter 
strategy for each DEM, regardless of terrain type, the adaptive 
ATE performs epipolar resampling and Y-parallax removal, as 
well as examining image and terrain content to modify 
matching parameters on-the-fly. Using this strategy, a 
triangular irregular network (TIN) DEM of the test area was 
created, with progressive sampling based on a 2 m grid. 
Identical methodology was carried out for the imagery captured 
from 270 m and 450 m, the only difference being that, because 
the lower flying reduced the ground coverage of the images, 
fewer check targets were visible in an image stereopair — 
detrimental for the later accuracy comparisons. This was 
resolved by using a strip of three images for the 450 m model, 
containing 24 targets, and four images for the 270 m model, 
containing 14 targets (excluding those targets used as GCPs). 
Following photogrammetric processing, a DEM of the cliff test 
area existed for each of the three flying heights where imagery 
was acquired. These conventionally controlled DEMs were 
then compared with the remaining ground check targets to give 
an estimate of the precision of the photogrammetric surfaces. 
Measures defining DEM accuracy arc essential, but have not 
yet reached a point where a standard method exists to determine 
the correspondence between a digital terrain representation and 
the ‘true’ surface. Consequently, there are few guidelines for 
practitioners (Flotron and Koelbl, 2000). A common means to 
define accuracy has traditionally been descriptive statistics 
based on the difference in height between the DEM surface and 
n check measurements. Because the check data is usually point 
or surface based, it is unlikely that conjugate points will be 
available, and the DEM height value is therefore interpolated at 
the planimetric positions of the validating data. The mean, 
standard deviation and range of the extreme Z differences can 
then be determined (e.g. Shearer, 1990). Z differences were 
interpolated between the photogrammetric DEMs and the 
checkpoints contained within the extents of each surface. 
Standard deviations of these were calculated, with results 
presented in Table 1 and Figure 2. 
Flying height 270 m 450 m 600 m 
Expected c (m) 0.153 0.255 0.350 
Conventional o(m) 0.401 0.438 0.496 
Table 1. Expected and conventionally controlled heighting 
precisions for various flying heights 
0.5 Voi 
E ere RR - 
E 04 B———— 
: | 
5 9 
à 92 
270 450 de 
Flvina heiaht (m) 
| —@— expected ii Convertiorial 
Figure 2. Effect of flying height on DEM precision 
Examination of these reveals that worse than expected 
precisions resulted for all three flying heights used, implying 
that such a formula is too optimistic for the format or 
configuration of the photography. However, for the three 
heights used, the expected precision increases linearly with 
height whereas the observed precision line has a lower gradient, 
suggesting that the formulae may represent higher altitude data 
The second stage of this research involved the use of surface 
matching to perform the critical registration of the small format 
photogrammetric DEMs to the desired coordinate system, 
instead of using ground control points. For this stage a second, 
independent surface was required, and this was achieved using 
kinematic GPS. 
4.1 Kinematic GPS 
Since its inauguration in 1994, GPS has been used primarily in 
the observation and monitoring of static point networks. 
However, with advances in technology and processing 
techniques, it is now possible to reliably achieve a high 
measurement precision without the long occupation of single 
processing individual data observations relative to a base station 
sited over a known point. Because of the highly accurate point 
data, often quoted to around the 0.010 m level (e.g. Hofmann- 
Wellenhof et al., 2001), kinematic GPS has become popular for 
recording the trajectory of a moving receiver. A critical 
Kinematic GPS has become an efficient means of 
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4.2 Registration 
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