Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

. Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
onjugate points will be 
therefore interpolated at 
iting data. The mean, 
treme Z differences can 
0). Z differences were 
netric DEMs and the 
tents of each surface. 
alculated, with results 
450 m 600 m 
0.255 0.350 
0.438 0.496 
y controlled heighting 
ng heights 
L (m) 
--- conventional 
on DEM precision 
worse than expected 
; heights used, implying 
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However, for the three 
increases linearly with 
line has a lower gradient, 
esent higher altitude data 
olved the use of surface 
'ation of the small format 
ired coordinate system, 
For this stage a second, 
| this was achieved using 
as been used primarily in 
static point networks. 
nology and processing 
reliably achieve a high 
ong occupation of single 
e an efficient means of 
s relative to a base station 
“the highly accurate point 
0 m level (e.g. Hofmann- 
S has become popular for 
ng receiver. A critical 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
component of processing involves resolving the ambiguities 
between dual frequency carrier phase measurements of the 
reference and roving receivers. Much research has been 
conducted in this area, and now the process has been simplified 
by the introduction of sophisticated algorithms that determine 
ambiguities “on-the-fly” (OTF). 
A wireframe DEM of the Filey Bay test area was collected 
using kinematic GPS, by tracking the position of a roving 
receiver as it traversed breaks in slope and terrain profiles 
(Figure 3). To facilitate data collection, and to attempt to 
minimise changes in the antenna heights, the GPSycle — a 
standard detail pole with a mountain bike wheel attached — was 
used (Buckley and Mills, 2000). This data was processed using 
kinematic OTF phase processing. The resulting DEM was a 
relatively coarse, but highly accurate, representation of the 
coastline test site, comprising strings of data points. 
Repeatability testing of the kinematic GPS configuration, using 
a baseline at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, indicated 
a value of 0.014 m was a more realistic indicator of DEM 
height precision than the 0.010 m reported in the literature for 
individual points — taking no account of factors such as terrain 
undulations, vegetation or point distribution. 
Figure 3. Perspective view of GPS DEM (200 x 200 m area) 
4.2 Registration Using Matching 
Digital SFAP of the Filey test area was reprocessed in the 
DPW, for each of the three flying heights. The procedure 
followed a similar route as for the conventional data but with 
one exception: none of the ground targets were used as GCPs. 
SOCET SET uses a single bundle adjustment to perform 
relative and absolute orientation simultaneously. This 
presented a problem for the proposed methodology of 
controlling photogrammetric DEMs to the reference system 
using surface matching rather than GCPs, as the bundle block 
adjustment required a minimum of three control points in the 
adjustment to obtain a solution for relative orientation. 
Consequently, three ‘pseudo’ GCPs were measured in the 
stereopair (and first stereopair of the image strip for the 270 m 
and 450m flying heights), roughly scaled from existing 
mapping. Obviously, the accuracy of the mapping was 
detrimental to the quality of this control. A number of manual 
tie points were measured before automatic matching was 
employed to increase redundancy. 
Once the simultaneous bundle adjustment had been carried out, 
DEMS of the same area as used for the conventional orientation 
were extracted using the ATE. Following DEM processing, 
surface models were created, but were not yet registered to the 
UTM coordinate system of the GPS surface. Therefore 
matching was required to recover the transformation parameters 
necessary to register the two models. 
Pre-match processing of the GPS DEM was carried out to 
ensure that the extents of the surface roughly corresponded 
with, and were slightly larger than, the photogrammetric DEMs. 
Only points where the ambiguity resolution was fixed were 
incorporated into the DEM, creating the best possible surface. 
A feature of the kinematic OTF phase processing is the high 
data capture rate needed for successful ambiguity resolution; 
however, this creates problems with the distribution of points in 
the final DEM, with many points in the profile direction but few 
between profiles, resulting in long, thin triangles and mass point 
clusters in the TIN surface. The data were thinned to reduce the 
observation rate and, additionally, the distance between points 
was examined to ensure the existence of mass points, such as 
where the roving GPS receiver was stationary for multiple 
epochs, was eliminated. This helped give a more even 
triangulation with more equilateral triangles — useful during the 
search for conjugate surface patches in the least squares 
matching algorithm. 
Because the imagery from the different flying heights were 
controlled using the 'pseudo' control points, it was expected 
that initial approximations of one for scale and zero for each of 
the rotations and translations would be suitable as initial 
parameter approximations for the least squares solution. 
Indeed, this was true of the 600 m and 450 m DEMSs, with only 
reasonably small parameters found - suggesting that the 
‘pseudo’ control points used were close to their true coordinate 
values (Table 2). However, the large parameter corrections 
seen in the 270 m match show that for this model a poor initial 
absolute orientation was calculated in the DPW, resolved using 
surface matching. 
Match result 600 m 450 m 270 m 
Outlier tol. 1m 1m 1m 
Translation 1.407 £0.315 0.713 0.267 21.170 £0.557 
(Xy 7m -0.913 0.233 -4.206 +0.157 -1.896 +0.296 
0.863 0.107 -0.756 0.100 4.035 +0 175 
Scale 0.996 +0.001 1.000 0.001 0.939 +0.002 
Rotation 0.357 0.009 -0.131 0.008 0.064 +0.011 
(c, à x)? 0.153 £0.010 -0.110 x0.010 -0.173 +0.015 
0.154 0.030 0.535 50.019 0.349 20.041 
RMS (m) 0.456 0.456 0.403 
Table 2. Surface matching solutions for different heights 
Flying height 270m | 450m | 600m 
o (conventional) 0.401 0.438 0.496 
Mean (conventional) 0.054 -0.062 | -0.104 
RMS (conventional) 0.391 0.433 0.496 
o (matching) 0.331 0.404 0.414 
Mean (matching 0.015 | -0.007 | 0.011 
RMS (matching 0.319 0.396 0.405 
Number of targets 14 24 22 
Table 3. Z difference statistics between conventional and 
surface matching orientations (m) 
Once the three DEMs were matched, the original surfaces were 
transformed by the matching parameters, resulting in the DEMs 
being in the same coordinate system as the GPS models. 
Comparison with the ground check targets was again possible, 

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