International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004
where (NL, NS) is the size of image (number of lines, number
of samples) Also, we define the function N(X) which
represents total number of elements for set X.
i) With o; calculate the line coordinates set P; with point
coordinates (/; , s;),
(45° < 09 «:13592)
PE P, 71: cosQ
S. II ———
f sin
Iss, < NS
P = p;—$,:sinÓ (09«0«45? 9r 135? € 0 < 180°)’
I ut lut
d cosÓ
11) Next, we count the pixels where the edges coincide with the
lines just described. For each line, 7, overlay with each edge, X.
The total number of coincident pixels (C;) will be an indicator
of "obstacles" encountered by that line. A large number of such
obstacles will indicate that it is less likely to be a road feature,
whereas a small number of obstacles will mean that it is more
likely to be a road feature. The number of line/edge coincident
pixels is
C=] NE)
where E, is an edge pixel.
iil) We characterize the degree, to which the line is free from
obstructing edges as,
Fs N(P)—-N(C) x100 (0 € F; < 100).
A high value (near 100) of F; is an indicator of a road.
Repeating this process for each line we can make a graph of the
free passage measure vs. line number. Peaks in this graph will
very likely correspond to roads.
Figure 7. Result of acupuncture method on small example
region. (a)-(c) are for Ay, and (a)-(c) are for 0,2. (a) and (d)
Free passage measure. (b) and (e) Clustering result. (c) and (f)
Detected lines on the road.
Figure 7 is the example of applying acupuncture algorithm to
one of the regions. In this region, the predetermined dominant
road directions are 2.5? (0,;) and 91? (0,;). Figure 7a, 7b and 7c
are for 2.5? case and others are for 91? case. Figure 7a and 7d
show the graph that represents the relationship between line
number and the free passage measure. In Figure 7a, Figure 7b,
Figure 7d and Figure 7e, the X axis represents the line number
and the Y axis is the free passage measure.
From the graphs in Figure 7a and 7d, we select the peaks using
modified hierarchical histogram clustering method. This
method requires the user to specify a minimal block width.
Figure 7b and 7e are the results for that method and determine
the lines selected as roads. The 0,, graphs yields 3 lines chosen
as roads. The 0,, graphs yields 4 lines. Applying the complete
Acupuncture method to the study area yields the results shown
in Figure 8. Those lines, interpreted as an urban road grid, will
be used as initial approximations for the snake refinement.
eL eme EN
Figure 8. Detected lines on the road by acupuncture method
4. Adaptive Snakes
Many research groups have tried to use snakes as a tool for
rural area road extraction, and they have applied global energy
coefficients. Applying global energy coefficients should be on
the assumption that the linear features have similar curvature
characteristics through the curve. Since the road structure for
rural roads is not so complex, global energy coefficients
perform well. Here, we propose adaptive snakes for which
energy coefficients vary locally to accommodate urban area
road extraction. First, we introduce the general solution for
snakes and second, present the advantage of local varying
energy coefficients. Third, we apply the proposed snakes to the
study area with initial approximations which are generated in
previous section. In this paper, we define ‘global energy
coefficients’ as applying the same coefficients to the all nodes
in one curve while ‘local energy coefficients’ means that
coefficients vary locally.
4.1 General Solution for Snakes
The original concept for snakes (Active contour models) was
introduced by Kass ef. al(1988), and they define it as “A snake
is an energy-minimizing spline guided by external constraint
forces and influenced by image forces". Also, it can be defined
as a movable curve in image domain controlled by internal
forces (elastic and bending force etc.) and image forces which
attract or repel the curve.
The Snakes can be modeled as a curve with time-dependent
sequential list of nodes in two dimensions and define
parametrically like
v(s,t) = (x(s,f), y(s,t)) O<s<1 (1)
the ct
the ii
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can be
Step, s
Let V,t
where r