Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
For the import of GML data into GeoMedia, the existing GML 
data server can be used, whereas the export of GML data from 
GeoMedia can be carried out with Intergraph's GML export 
For the data exchange between inJECT and Dynamo two new 
conversion tools were developed by the Universität der 
Bundeswehr, Munich (Shi et al. 2001). The tool for the import 
of GML into Dynamo generates a Dynamo data dictionary from 
the XML schema and a Dynamo object space from the GML 
data. The tool for the export of GML data from Dynamo creates 
a XML schema and a GML file derived from the Dynamo data 
dictionary and object space. 
We have implemented this GIS interface for the following vector 
data types: 
* VMapl (Vector smart map Level 1, corresponding to 
1:250.000 maps, 2D features) 
e FFD (Foundation feature data, corresponding to 1:50.000 — 
1:250.000 maps, 3D features) 
* German military basic vector database, corresponding to 
1:10.000 — 1:25.000 maps, 2D features) 
4.2 Parcel Extraction 
We have implemented an algorithm to extract in a semi- 
automatic way regions from aerial and high-resolution satellite 
images. The algorithm is able to extract: 
*  near-homogeneous parcels, whose statistical parameters 
are different from the ones corresponding to their 
* parcels with quite well defined boundaries i.e. other 
near-homogeneous parcels, or linear elements. 
There are some other kinds of parcels that can be only identified 
by contextual reasoning, where the knowledge interpretation 
drives to identify them. Those parcels, however, can not be 
extracted by our approach. 
Our approach is a combination of deformable models and region 
growing techniques in a statistical framework under the 
Minimum Description Cost environment. This approach is 
called region competition. 
In general the automatic feature extraction from images estab- 
lishes a correspondence between some image characteristics and 
models. In our particular case, deformable models are used, 
which describe general geometric and radiometric characteristics: 
degree of continuity and kind of radiometry to be recovered. 
Snakes is a special case of a general technique that matches a set 
of deformable models with an image by minimizing a cost 
function, that represent in our case an energy function, 
composed by a weighted combination of internal (model) and 
external energies (image). 
Lage = Wyegion EB coton + Dodge Beige ( 1) 
E,4.. 1s based on the image contrast and will attract boundaries 
to contours of high image gradients, whereas £,,,;,, pushes the 
snake to enclose quite homogeneous areas. 
With / being the image, we define 
E dy zm TIN Fr. y? (2) 
For the first term of (1) we define the region homogeneity as 
A region R is considered homogeneous when their intensity 
values are consistent with the ones that will be obtained in case 
of being generated by a family of pre-established probability 
distributions P(I:o), where & are the distribution parameters. 
Our objective is to have a representation of the image composed 
by quite homogeneous areas, so we represent the image 
decomposed into region entities: 
E, oni, fo, M s fs | ds — il log P(It y) : o;)dxdy 4 ») 
is 203 Jo WR enm (3) 
The first term in (3) describes the curve length of 8R; that is the 
boundary of Rand ju is the code length codification. The 
second term is the addition of the cost of codifying each pixel 
intensity inside the region R; with probability P(1:01) . Y stands 
for the codification length to describe R,. 
Since we solve the total snakes energy equation by the steepest 
descendent method, we end up with formula (4) that describes 
the movement of the curve v which represents the boundary 
between two regions that compete for having each of the 
boundary pixels. 
v ; 5 
my 1- roii + log Polos) ) E AVIVIVI|(4) 
Q(v) 7 fk | v belongs to D) and K;(v) are the curvature at I. 
The threshold to decide where to stop the movement is defined 
by the last term of (4). The movement is completed in the case 
of reaching an edge, or when the region growing process stops. 
So equation (4) weights two possible non-excluding situations: 
the contours move to high gradients or enclose pixels with 
similar statistical parameters. In the case of near homogeneous 
regions the statistical model chosen is the Gaussian distribution, 
so the statistical parameters for each parcel are the mean and the 
deviation. In our case these parameters are user-defined because 
the operator delivers a starting polygon composed of at least 3 
vertexes to the system i.e. a rough approximation of the parcel 
to be extracted. From this darting polygon the system will 
initialise the statistical parameters and the initial model, that will 
be deformed until the result is reached. Figure 3 shows an 
example of parcel extraction. 
In a final processing step the parcel contours are smoothed using 
the smoothing tool as described in subsection 4.3. The 
smoothing tool simplifies the contours and eliminates their 
oscillations (Figure 4). 

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