Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
this goal. In this regard the communication between 
the computer system and production lines is of crucial 
importance, since the collection of visual features is 
fed to the computer system for processing, analysis 
and decision making, the decision made is ought to be 
fed back to the production lines. 
4. The frame generating rate: Which is one of the 
characteristics of these systems rather than one of 
their components. The frame generating rate in these 
systems ranges from few frames to few thousands 
frames per second. As a general rule, the higher the 
frame rate is the better, but raising the frame rate in 
many cases happens on the „cost” of the resolution, 
so choosing a system that balance the resolution and 
the frame rate suiting both of them to the application 
at hand is of at most importance. 
1.2 Embedded closed systems 
These systems are known by their popular name, the "smart 
cameras". In these smart camera systems a CCD or CMOS 
sensors coupled with processor (CPU or RISC) DRAM 
memory, and In/Out facilities are incorporated and embedded in 
one package making for the smart camera. Because smart 
cameras function as complete vision system, and because it is 
almost always impossible to modify the build set up of these 
cameras, so their individual characteristics have to be evaluated 
fully and thoroughly when the task of implementing such 
cameras comes to one's hands. The determinant characteristics 
of smart camera that ought to go through study and evaluation 
process before choosing a smart camera for an inspection task 
at hand are the following: 
l. Sensor resolution: Sensors implemented in smart 
cameras usually one of two kinds, either CCD or 
CMOS, although CCD sensors seem to be more 
common in the smart cameras. The resolution of these 
sensors is still in the range of submegapixel to few 
megapixels, sometimes they exceed this resolution 
but this generally happens on the expense of spectrum 
Embedded Processor and memory: The processing 
requirements in smart cameras are carried out by an 
embedded processor rather than a separate computer. 
The most common processor implemented in smart 
cameras is the Motorola Power PC, it is not 
uncommon to find the Intel Processors built in these 
cameras too. Weather it were Power PC or Ix86 
Processors these provide the designers of these smart 
cameras with ample tools of computing and control 
abilities. Sometimes these embedded processors are 
supported by task — specific facilities to boost their 
performance like floating point processors, digital 
signal processors, and the like. Beside the processor 
the smart cameras are usually provided with 16 — 32 
MByte DRAM memory to provide the processor (and 
the camera) with fast processing and storage facility. 
3. Application Programming Interface (API): These are 
software packages, mostly written in C/C++ 
programming language, and developed mainly to 
perform machine vision tasks, like extracting useful 
data from captured images, processing the extracted 
data, and generating reaction data (parameters) 
accordingly. If the machine vision tasks are well 
defined, than the application programming interface 
(API) program can be satisfactorily designed and 
developed enabling the smart camera to provide an 
effective alternative for PC based open systems. 
However, once the API package is designed and 
developed, it will be difficult if not impossible to 
carry any change or modification on the package, a 
property that turns smart cameras to a nonflexible 
4. Programmable 1/0 Facilities: — Programmable 
Input/Output facilities are an important tool that 
enables setting the smart camera parameters to suite 
achieving the task of machine vision at hand. The 
programmable 1/0 plays a mediatory role between 
conditions present at production environment and 
reference conditions and actions. 
5. Video Output, Networking, and Interfaces: These are 
tools to enable access, communication and graphic 
data and event feed to/from the camera from/to the 
outside surroundings. These tools include but not 
limited to configurations like SUGA output, serial 
and/or parallel interfaces, digital 1/O lines, Ethernet 
connections, Hotlink lines, etc. 
In few words, since smart cameras are generally deployed to 
perform specific task, they excel when the task required to be 
served is very well defined and can be expressed in terms of 
well designed series of data extracting and handling steps. 
On the contrary of this, if the task at hand can’t be defined in 
specific steps, or if the conditions associated with carrying out 
the task have the tendency to change in the future, or if the task 
to be achieved itself might be modified, then it is better to opt 
for an open machine vision system, which makes distinction 
between the imaging unit of the machine vision system and the 
computer system that guides, controls and handles the whole 
machine vision system. 
In this study, choosing flexible open-structure machine-vision 
system was adopted due to the fact that this study had two main 
goals. First, the investigation of the 
implementing quality assurance system as part of the 
production lines of pita and tortilla breads. Second, developing 
procedures for collecting visual features of these products. 
These procedures might be generalized and later applied in 
more complicated pattern recognition applications. 
Pita bread and tortillas are similar in shape and colour, the 
differences between these two kinds of breads is that pita bread 
has two layers like a pouch or pocket while tortilla has one. 
Consequently, during backing phase pita bread will get a 
spherical shape while tortillas remain flat. However, when pita 
bread cools down the upper layer which is the one having 
spherical shape collapses down to the lower layer which 
remains flat during backing. This collapsing process results in 
flattening both layers, this process happens within about five 
minutes after the loaves roll out of the backing belt, and it is 
most apparent if the loaves are stacked over each other. As a 
result any measurement on the shape of pita bread has to take 
place immediately after they roll out of backing belt (before 
collapsing). The other difference between pita and tortilla 
breads is that the dominant colour in pita is lighter brown with 
darker brown spots, while tortillas have a light colour as the 
dominant colour with darker brown spots. 
In relation to visual features measurements, the procedures and 
methods of collecting measurements data are the same in both 
kinds of breads, so the discussion here will be related only to 
pita bread, while it can be generalized to tortillas without any 
change. The size and shape measurements carried were the 
possibilities of 
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