Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

President John Trinder 
Secretary General Ian Dowman 
Congress Director 
First Vice President 
Second Vice President 
Lawrence W. 
Gerard Begni 
Commission I 
Commission II 
Commission III 
Commission IV 
Commission V - 
Commission VI 
Commission VII 
Chen Jun 
Franz Leberl 
Petros Patias 
National Advisory Board 
Ayhan Alkis 
Zübeyde Alkis 
Local Organising Committee 
Gónül Toz 
Ass. to Local Organising Committee 
Ayçil Yesilirmak 
Melis M. Sener 
Exhibition Organising Committee 
Okan Kivanç 
Denizhan Yalin 
Social And Technical Tours Committee 
Magister Tours Inc. 
Finance Committee 
Okan Kivang 
Public Relations Committee 
Kadir Erdin 
Cevat Ulkekul 
Muhtar Katircioglu 
Julia Katircioglu 
Technical Support Committee 
Ferruh Yildiz 
Dursun Z. Seker 
Murat Can 
Youth Session Organising Committee 
Rahmi N. Çelik 
Gürcan Büyüksalih 
Zaide Duran 
ISPRS Council 2000 — 2004 
M. Orhan Altan 
Ammatzia Peled 
Stanley Morain 
Costas Armenakis 
Tania Maria Sausen 
Rangnand Navalgund 
In cooperation with Working Group Chairpersons responsible for the reviewing of 
contributions. Authors delivered camera ready manuscripts and selected the keywords. 
Congress Organising Committee 
Congress Director 
M. Orhan Altan 
Secretary General 
Sevil Zorlu 
Copyright 2004 
Printing: Cenkler Matbaast, istanbul 
United Kingdom 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing amd Spatial Information Sciences 
Technical Commission Presidents 2000 — 2004 
extended Abstracts and acceptance of 
Turkish National Society 
for Photogrammetry and 
Remote Sensing 
Ali Fuat Sarag 
Scientific Programme Committee 
Mustafa Onder 
Ass. to Scientific Programme Committee 
Sıtkı Külür 
Hande Demirel 
T. Murat Celikoyan 
Liasons to ISPRS Technical Commissions 
Can Ayday 
Orhan Ercan 
Ahmet Yasayan 
Cetin Cömert 
Nuran Zeren Gülersoy 
Hayrettin Gürbüz 
Derya Maktav 
Responsible for General Assembly 
Oktay Aksu 
Michaelsen, M. Kir 
Sensor Pose Inferenc 
A. Akav, G. H. Zalm 
Linear Feature Basec 
R. Delara Jr., E.A. ! 
Bundle Adjustment 
Franck Jung, Didiei 
Bundle Adjustment 2 
Ouided Bentrah, Ni 
Estimating Sensor Pc 
S. J. Buckley, J. P. 
Improving The Accu 
Tianen Chen, Ryosu 
Orientation Strategie 
G. H. Zalmanson, Y. 
Towards A New Par: 
S. Sadeghian, M. J. 
Comparative Testes « 
M. Morgan, K. Kim, 
Parallel Projection M 
M. Morgan, K. Kim, 
Indirect Epipolar Res 
Camillo Ressl 
Experimental Results 
E. A. Mitishita, A. L. 
3D Monocular Restit 
Jianqing Zhang, Ho. 
Exterior Orientation | 
Jianging Zhang, Yoi 
Block Adjustment Ba 
M. Bernard, F. Bouc 
Potential of Ers-1 De 
Imagery and DEM Q 
Wang Yandong , Ma 
Automatic Detection 
Zhu Lin, Sasagawa 1 
Triplet Image Matchi 
Dare P. M. 
Investigation of Geor 
Axel Wendt 
On The Automation c 
Baillard C. 
Production of DSM/E 
Mian Ajmal S. , Beni 
Automatic Correspon 
Wang Mi 
A New Approach for 
Li Zhang, Gruen Arr 
Automatic DSM Gen 
Van De Woestyne I. , 
A Software System fc 
Jolyon D. Thurgood, 
Multi-ray Matching f 

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