Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
jagery contained more 
having connotations on 
»nsequently, more tests 
scales are required to 
jx all scales. If so, the 
hotogrammetry, having 
ed in collected ground 
ready exists or can be 
the superlative solution 
as issues affecting the 
ause the two matched 
ent terrain modelling 
nmetry — each model is 
tion of the same real- 
ent structures, different 
cies. Each of these 
ach other but with the 
neasurement techniques 
anner. For example, 
und height, as the detail 
face at all times, while 
n and surface objects. 
n introduced. Although 
hing of DEMs collected 
ce change between the 
|l of these effects mean 
f height differences, it is 
; compared; rather, it is 
ves the solution open to 
meters, resulting in an 
ipparent from the output 
jn error will appear to 
differences; however, 
ptimistic (Maas, 2000). 
cies influencing the end 
ers may contain error. In 
d nature of the matching 
ittainable, with the only 
oice of initial parameter 
. Multiple solutions may 
significant problem is to 
sition in space of the 
onably large) parameter 
n the final position of the 
nge will mean that the 
ved and, though height 
tric position may suffer. 
iimetric accuracy of an 
entation occur, requiring 
lues with airborne laser 
to ensure true conjugate 
spite this pessimism, the 
ntations, with alternate 
fully investigated, leaving 
ximation of reality. 
of photogrammetric DEM 
to improve the efficiency 
anual process. A surface 
id used to minimise height 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
differences between a reference surface and a photogrammetric 
DEM in a model coordinate system. To assess the effectiveness 
of the procedure, a comparison was made between a 
conventional orientation using GCPs and surface matching, 
using digital SFAP models. DEMs were produced from 
imagery captured from three flying heights. Following 
extraction and orientation of the DEMs, a comparison with 
checkpoints was made to determine the heighting precision of 
each method. ^ These results showed that the matching 
orientated improved the heighting precision of all three of the 
DEMs, while the conventionally orientated surfaces suffered a 
larger systematic error. 
These results are encouraging, and have the potential to offer 
photogrammetry a real benefit. In addition to the reduction of 
systematic error, the surface matching algorithm offers an 
increase in automation, the existence of additional verification 
data in the form of the reference DEM, and increased 
versatility, as data from many sources may be used. However, 
further research may yet be carried out, to improve the 
robustness of the algorithm and determine the effect of differing 
solutions on the absolute position of the transformed DEMs. In 
addition, the use of digital SFAP introduced significant errors 
due to the scale and inherent instabilities of the image 
configuration when compared with conventional large format 
photography. Testing on more orthodox datasets would 
therefore be of great value. 
This work was carried out while the principal author was at the 
University of Newcastle upon Tyne, and was supported by the 
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC 
grant GR/N23721/01) and the Royal Institution of Chartered 
Surveyors (RICS Foundation). Thanks to the staff and students 
of the University of Newcastle upon Tyne for assistance with 
data collection. 
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