Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 11. A patch of the calibrated data set. 
All the three models presented above are applied to this 
calibration data set. The vector plot of the residual errors for 
GCPs and the check points for all mathematical models are 
displayed in Figure 12. 
15 micron 
3D Affine Transformation 
RMSE- on. control points 5. 
= X int kp" iz i 
RMSE on check points 2.51 is micron 
Rational Function (Order 3 with full terms) 
Figure 12. Vector plot of residual errors of the different 
mathematical models. 
These graphs indicate that: 
1. Projective transformation is stable as regards the error 
fluctuations. However, it seems not to be flexible 
enough to take care of the inherent non-linearity of 
the image distortions. 
2. The 3D affine transformation has the same limitation 
as the projective transformation. 
3. The rational functions show a good performance in 
particular if the coefficients for the denominators are 
selected to be the same for the X and Y components. 
4. Although quite flexible, polynomials and rational 
functions main shortcomings are their non-stability 
for the position of the points.located between GCPs. 
The error can be drastically amplified for those points 
that are far from the GCPs. That is, GCPs distribution 
plays a decisive rule in retaining the model stability. 
5. Apart from polynomials, increasing the number of 
GCPs increases the fitting and absolute accuracy. 
However, the accuracy figures do not show a clear 
improvement if the number of GCPs are increased 
beyond certain levels. 
In this study the following experiments have been conducted to 
analyze the radiometric and geometric performance of Canon 
EOS-1Ds high resolution CMOS camera. 
To evaluate the radiometric potential of CMOS, the point 
spread function (PSF) of the imaging system was estimated. 
This was done by using the smallest detectable symmetric 
feature with a uniform grey scale background that could be 
found in the image. The sigma of the PSF was determined by 
assuming a Gaussian model for it. The pictorial restoration 
operations were then performed by modified inverse and 
Wiener filters respectively. 
Geometric correction of the CMOS camera has been examined 
based on an evaluation of three mathematical models based on 
Rational functions, 3D Affine and 2D  Projective 
transformation. For the accuracy evaluation vector plots of the 
residual errors for control points and check points are prepared. 
Further experiments with other Canon EOS-IDs images 
confirm the high capability of this CMOS camera. 
Atkinson, K.B., 1996. Close Range Photogrammetry and 
Computer Vision, Whittles Publishing Bristol. 
Castleman, K.R., 1996. Digital Image Processing, Prentice- 
Hall, Simon&Schuster. 
Cannon, 2004: http://www.canon.co.uk/For_Home/ 
Dowman, L, and J.T. Dolloff, 2000. An evaluation of rational 
functions for photogrammetric restitution. Int'l Archive of 
photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 33(Part B3): 254-266. 

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