Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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Proc. of 
5 Journal 
, Issue 2, 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
[4] El-Sheimy, N., 1999, Mobile multi-sensor systems: The 
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[5] Ellum, C., N. El-Sheimy, 2000, The development of a 
backpack mobile mapping system, International Archives 
of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, vol. XXXII, Part 
B2, pp.184-191, Amsterdam. 
[6] He, G, GOrvets, 2000, Capturing road network data using 
mobile mapping technology, International Archives of 
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[7] Konno, T, et al, 2000, A New Approach to Mobile 
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[S] Silva, J.F.C., P.O.Camargo, R.A.Oliveira, A street map 
built by a mobile mapping system, International Archives 
of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, vol. XXXIII, 
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[9] Zhao, H., R. Shibasaki, 2003a, Special Issue on Computer 
Vision System : Reconstructing Textured CAD Model of 
Urban Environment using Vehicle-borne Laser Range 
Scanners and Line Cameras, Machine Vision and 
Applications, 14 (2003) 1, 35-41. 
[10] Zhao, H., R. Shibasaki, 2003b, A New Interface for 
Extracting Urban Spatial Objects using Vehicle-borne 
Laser and CCD Cameras, Proc. of Computers on Urban 
Planning and Urban Management, May 2003 Sendai, 
A X igix 
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| 1. Manually draw the banndary ofa target object. 
sw T 
Line Image | 
2. Fit a planner polygon using the 
corresponding laser points. 
3. Project and re-sample line image 
pixels on the planner polygon to 
generate a texture image. 
i SN J 
Figure 9. An example of object extraction using a semi- 
automated interface 
7^30 Resut ol zSurfacs 
Figure 10. A view of textured building as well as the objects 
extracted from the VLMS data 

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