Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
Airborne or spaceborne SAR sensors provide a 2D mapping of 
the scene in the radar frequency domain. Large areas on the 
ground are illuminated with radar pulses in an oblique side- 
looking manner. Because of the larger wavelength A compared 
to aerial images, the SAR signal is usually not attenuated by 
scattering with particles in clouds, smoke or even rain. The 
choice of a large A (e.g. 70 cm) even offers the opportunity of 
penetrating the soil through tree foliage. The range resolution 
depends on the signal bandwidth. The distance between the 
sensor and a point target is obtained by correlating the received 
signal with the complex conjugated transmitted signal [Bamler 
and Schaettler, 1993]. With this matched filtering all 
contributions of a certain target can be integrated into the 
correct range cell. This so-called range compression is carried 
out for each range bin of the SAR image. 
The angular resolution of a radar antenna of aperture D at a 
range r is approximately r-4/D. Hence, for remote sensing 
purposes very large antennas would be required for an 
appropriate azimuth resolution. This problem is overcome with 
the synthetic aperture technique. Along the flight path, many 
overlapping radar measurements are carried out and stored. 
Each of them can be thought of being collected by one element 
of a large synthetic array antenna at the same position. In many 
subsequent measurements the signal of a certain point target is 
mapped to different ranges cells (range migration). High 
azimuth resolution is achieved by a coherent integration of 
these distributed signal contributions to the correct image 
position. For this purpose, the Doppler frequency is exploited, 
which is caused from the relative motion between sensor and 
The characteristics of the received SAR data depend e.g. on 
signal properties (wavelength, polarization, transmit power), 
object properties (e.g. roughness of surface, dielectric constant 
of material), the distance between sensor and scene (the SNR is 
indirect proportional to the third power of the range), and the 
viewing geometry (e.g. the incidence angle). In case of natural 
scenes, the obtained signal is modelled to be the superposition 
of the contributions of many independent scatterers inside a 
resolution cell. In urban scenes, this assumption does not hold 
everywhere, e.g. due to specular reflection and multi-bounce 
propagation at building faces and edges. Because of the two- 
dimensional sinc-curve of the SAR system impulse response, 
dominant point targets appear as bright stars in the image that 
may cover the signal of neighboured objects over wide areas. In 
general, the mapping of a certain urban area is heavily 
dependent on aspect and elevation angles [Dong et al., 1997]. 
In urban. scenes, the analysis of the SAR scattering matrix 
[Guillaso et al., 2003] is useful e.g. to discriminate of man- 
made objects from trees or bushes. However, for this purpose 
several SAR images of different polarization (e.g. HH, VV and 
HV) have to be acquired. 
For InSAR processing at least two SAR images taken by 
antennas separated by a baseline orthogonal to the flight 
directions are required [Rosen et al, 2000]. The different 
distances of a ground point to the antennas result in a phase 
difference of the received signals from which a DEM can be 
calculated. Assuming a constant noise floor, the DEM accuracy 
varies locally depending mainly on the SNR, which is estimated 
from the coherence (correlation) of the complex SAR images. 
SAR data are acquired in the so-called slant range geometry and 
have to be orthorectified in a post-processing step. In case of a 
magnitude SAR image, an external DEM is incorporated for 
precision geocorrection. InSAR data are orthorectified using the 
InSAR DEM, whose local varying accuracy has to be 
considered for this purpose. 
Fig. 2a,b illustrate INSAR magnitude and DEM data covering a 
part of the test area (Karlsruhe, city centre and University 
campus). Dark areas of the magnitude image (= poor SNR) 
coincide with noise in the DEM. The data was acquired from 
about 5 km distance in the X-band (A = 3 cm), range direction 
is top-down, with off-nadir angle 6 = 57°. The geometric 
resolution is about Im in range and 0.75m in azimuth direction. 
The reference LIDAR DEM superimposed with map data is 
shown in Fig. 2c for comparison. 
Fig. 2: a,b) InSAR data in slant range (a) magnitude, b) DEM); 
c) LIDAR DEM superimposed with building (red) 
and road layer (green). 
For discussion of the appearance of buildings in SAR imagery, 
the highlighted part of the slant range magnitude image shown 
in Fig. 2a was transformed into a ground projection (Fig. 3a). 
Usually a flat scene is assumed for geocoding of SAR images, 
if no InSAR DEM or external DEM/DTM is available. Fig. 3b 
shows for comparison the same area of the LIDAR DEM. Both 
images are overlaid with the map data. The extension of the 
investigated area is about 400m x 270m. 
Buildings appear shifted towards the sensor (range direction is 
top-down) in the SAR image, e.g. buildings D and E in the 
middle. This is caused from the layover effect: because of the 
side-looking illumination and the wide antenna beam width in 
elevation, objects located at different positions but with the 
same distance to the senor are mapped to the same resolution 
cell. At building locations a signal mixture from the roof, the 
walls and the ground is the consequence. If no dominant 

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