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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004
directions can be locally optimised, based on DEM and maps
from a GIS.
Especially in dense urban areas, context information provided
by GIS should be integrated in the analysis of SAR data.
Particularly, high resolution DEM are useful for the mapping of
the map data to the correct location in the data. The influence of
the vegetation should not be neglected even in a dense urban
environment. With a 3D vector representation of man-made
objects, possible locations of strong scattering can be detected.
Detailed information concerning the surface material of objects
is usually not available. We recommend exploiting vector data
of a 3D city model together with 3D raster data of the
vegetation for the event-driven acquisition and analysis of SAR
We want to thank Prof. Dr. Ender and Dr. Brenner (FGAN-
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