Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
polygon. Multiple matches are eliminated based on a minimum 
distance criterion. The results for the building in figure 3 are 
presented in figures 7 and 8. The shapes of the boundary 
polygons could be improved considerably. However, the 
polygons are not yet completely correct at the building corners. 
This could be overcome either by instantiating hypotheses 
about regularities in areas that do not receive support from 
image features, or by iterating the matching technique in cases 
where the approximations are not good enough. There is a small 
displacement between the intersection lines and image edges, 
which is either caused by errors in the geo-coding or in the 
plane parameters. This emphasises the importance of a final 
adjustment, taking into account both the LIDAR points, the 
image edges (both for step edges and intersection lines), and 
geometric constraints, using the adjustment model described in 
(Rottensteiner and Briese, 2003) The considerable improvement 
of the shapes of the building outlines as compared to figure 5 
also improves the prospects for the success of such an 
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Figure 7. Delineation of step edges for four roof planes. 
Dashed lines: 3D edges. Dotted line: approximate 
polygon. Full line: polygon after matching. 
Figure 8. Left: roof polygons after matching. Right: back- 
projected to one of the aerial images. 
We have presented a method for building detection from 
LIDAR data and multi-spectral images, and we have shown its 
applicability in a test site of heterogeneous building shapes. The 
method is based on the application of the Dempster-Shafer 
theory for classification. The results achieved were very 
satisfactory. The detection rate for buildings larger than 50 m? 
was 95%, and about 89% of the detected buildings were correct. 
The detection rates decrease considerably with the building 
size: building structures smaller than 30 m^ could generally not 
be detected. In this context, future work will concentrate on 
evaluating the relative contribution of the cues used for 
classification. We also want to extend the evaluation to the 
influence of the LIDAR resolution on the results. 
We have also shown how aerial images and LIDAR DSM can 
be combined to improve both the results of roof plane detection 
and the shapes of the roof boundaries. This is still work in 
progress, and the algorithms involved can be improved in many 
ways. For instance, moments or other invariants of the image 
segments could be considered in matching, especially if new 
planar segments are to be introduced based on evidence from 
the images. The matching of 3D straight lines and roof polygon 
segments could be expanded to include more robust techniques 
for outlier detection. However, we have already shown some of 
the benefits that can be achieved by using multiple data sources 
for the reconstruction of buildings by polyhedral models. 
This work was supported by the Australian Research Council 
(ARC) under Discovery Project DP0344678 and Linkage 
Project LP0230563. The LIDAR data were provided by 
AAM Hatch, Mt Colah, NSW 2079, Australia 
(www.aamhatch.com.au). The aerial images are courtesy of 
AAM Hatch and Sinclair Knight Merz. 
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