Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
In general, buildings show a large diversity in their geometry. 
Therefore, it is impractical to expect that one strategy can 
handle all types of complex buildings. In this study, we only 
focus on building with right angle corners. We first reconstruct 
roofs and then reconstruct walls of the building, where the 
former is the focus of our discussion below. 
The main idea of roof reconstruction is that most roofs with 
right angle corners in their horizontal base can be decomposed 
into an aggregation of simple roof types. Therefore our strategy 
for 3-D roof reconstruction is to deal with a complex roof as a 
CSG model. The CSG model can be divided into one or more 
primitive roof models. Each of the primitive roof models 
consists of a horizontal rectangular base and the roof can be 
either one-ridge point, two-ridge points or four-ridge points roof 
(Figure 1). To reconstruct the primitive model, we need to form 
a (horizontal) rectangular base and generate polyhedral roof 
surfaces. The workflow of primitive models reconstruction 
starts by dividing points in the 3-D space into many 2-D 
horizontal levels according to the height. Then we connect 
points in each 2-D level to form rectangle bases. For those 
points that cannot form rectangles, we classify them as roof 
ridge points. The next is to reconstruct 3-D primitive models by 
determining the corresponding rectangle bases for roof points in 
3-D space. After reconstructing all possible primitive models, 
we apply operations such as union and intersection to combine 
them as a complete building roof. 
To reconstruct walls of a building, we need to determine the 
boundary outline from the roof and project the outline to the 
ground. These detail steps are described in the following 
one-ridge point ——-——* roof point 
“— rectangular base 
two-ridge points | 
four-ridge points 
Figure 1. Primitive roof models. 
2.1 Finding 2-D rectangular bases 
To decompose a complex roof into primitive roofs, the first step 
is to find rectangular bases of primitives. This process is 
working on each 2-D horizontal level. The roof outlines with 
perpendicular edges can be treated as 2-D polygons. Essentially, 
it is a process of rectangulating the points as opposed to the 
well-known triangulation, namely rectangulation. 
Rectangulation involves rectangles produced from a set of 
points from a polygon with only perpendicular edges, with the 
restriction that overlapping rectangles are not allowed. The 
hypothesis is that such polygon can always be partitioned into a 
set of rectangles. The purpose of rectangulation here is to find a 
feasible combination of rectangles for roof outlines. Our 
approach is described below. 
There are two initial steps for rectangulation. The first is that the 
building data, which is represented by a set of points with 3-D 
coordinates (Figure 2a), should be separated into different levels 
based upon height information in their z-coordinates. The 
second is to rotate the dominant directions of a building align 
with x and y-axis. Since our building outlines are perpendicular 
edges, we can find two dominant directions of the building 
perpendicular to each other. It starts from finding lines among 
all points by using slope-intercept representation in each level. 
Loop over the process for all levels. A reasonable assumption is 
that dominant perpendicular lines are consistent across all the 
levels and represent dominant directions of the entire building. 
Once these directions are found, the building can be rotated to 
align dominant directions with x and y-axis, respectively. 
Figure 2a). 3-D points of a building. 
We now can proceed to rectangulation in each horizontal level 
separately. Processing starts by examining the set of points in 
the i-th level, which is denoted by L;. If |L;| < 4, this level is 
categorized as a set of roof points L. (Figure 2b). If |L;| 24, 
the level is classified as an intermediate level (Figure 2c). Points 
in intermediate level could be either roof points or base points, 
therefore, further processing is needed. We decompose points in 
intermediate level into rectangular bases automatically as below. 
We start from the lower left point p,(x,,y,) specified by 
Eq (1), where P; € L; represents the point set during the /- 
th round of rectangulation process on the i-th level. 
p,(x,,,) = min{min{P, (x, »)} } 
After p,(x,,y,) is determined, we start looking for the 
closest points located along the east and north direction, 
which are denoted as p,(x.»,) and p,(x,»,). 
respectively. Their coordinates are determined via 
y, Qa) 
P LL inf ^ = X = 
X, E? mint (x, y) D, i , Y. = 
x = 
X, > Ya = minif, (x, y) TI Ds} (2b) 
After p, and p, are identified, move toward the 
corresponding perpendicular direction to find p;(x;.y;) 
which is diagonal to p, and determined by 
Xj PEE, (2c)

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