International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004
and Wang, 1999; Molenaar, 1992). In the topological
model for geometric elements, are used as the elementary
data types of geometrical part, and the relationships
between geometric elements and object types are
determined by five rules. FDS is a complete vector
structure and shows powerful specifications for the
presentation of topology, position and shape. The
topology representation is benetical for topology queries
among the geometric elements of an object, but to
generate a FDS description of 3D objects is difficult,
because FDS requires topological definitions between
point and arc, arc and edge, edge and surface, edge and
edge, etc., (Gruen and Wang, 1999). To overcome this
situation, a modified facet model based on B-Rep, V3D
has been proposed in (Gruen and Wang, 1999). This data
model can be generated easily and is designed to adapt
images as well.
Our visualization and query tool for 3D city models,
presented in this paper depends on the V3D model. This
model can easily be represented by relational database
approaches by using relational tables. In the next chapter,
we give description of geometric and topological
modelling structure of objects in our tool which is still
under development.
In our tool, as being primitive geometric objects we use point,
line, surface and body objects (houseObject / solid object) as
defined in V3D model. A body object is decomposed into
surface objects (facets), a surface object is decomposed into line
(edge) objects and line object is decomposed into point (vertex)
objects hierarchically. And these are all defined as object
classes. We define a house object as follows:
struct houseObject
int houseld;
int wallRed,wallGreen,wallBlue;
int roofRed,roofGreen,roofBlue;
float labelX;
float labelY ;
float labelZ;
Points* housePoints;
CellArray *wallCells;
CellArray *roofCells;
PolyData *houseWalls;
PolyData *houseRoofs;
PolyDataMapper *houseWallMapper;
PolyDataMapper *houseRoofMapper;
Actor *houseWallActor;
Actor *houseRoofActor;
struct houseObject* nextHouse;
struct houseObject* prevHouse;
As seen in the structure definition, one house object contains all
of the geometrical and topological information implicitly as a
whole. In the structure, “Points” variable represents all of the
vertex points of a house with point ids and point coordinates.
“CellArray” variable represent all of the cells (faces) of the
house with cell ids. PolyData uses points and cells and forms
the houseObject in a polygonal model which is obtained with
the integration of the points and cells. As being optional it is
provided to construct the cell links with the member function of
the class PolyData. Thus, PolyData object will represent the
links of the cells (i.e. linking topology of the cells) too.
PolyDataMapper is used to prepare the PolyData for rendering
purposes. Actor is used to manage rendering operations of the
mapper such as rotation, scaling, coloring etc. Finally, actors
are rendered in the rendering window on the screen. At this
point, geometry and topolgy of the house object with its
geometric primitives haven't been stored explicitly in a
database yet. But however, at this point, it is possible to render
house object and query some geometric properties of the
houseObject's geometric primitives. For example, coordinates
and id number of a picked/selected point with mouse from the
render window, can be shown on the screen. As the same way, a
picked cell’s id and its point ids can be listed too, and so etc.
For the explicit storage of the topological relations between
edges, faces, etc., user should ask the software to “build
topology”. This will be explained in detail in the following
“houseld” member variable is the id code of a house object.
This id number is used to link an object attribute table with
thematic information related to house object, (e.g. surface area,
volume of house, etc.). “labelX, labelY, labelZ” variables
define the center of gravity of the bounding box of the
houseObject. This label coordinate values are used for picking
(selection) operations on the screen and finding related
record(s) in the related attribute table(s). When one picks one or
more house objects on the screen, bounding box(es) of the
picked object(s) is/are returned with min and max coordinate
values of the corner points. And label coordinates of the
selected objects are computed and corresponding houseObject
is searched in the memory and when found, houseld of the
found object is handled. With this information, link between
object geometry and attribute tables is constructed. Label
coordinates serve as opposite work of houseld. In the house
object structure, wall and roof geometry and topology are
defined seperately and together. Thus, it is possible to make
analysis and queries related to roofs and in a flexible way.
Color components are used to represent the selection color of
the house object. When a house object is selected it changes
color with selection color defined by the user, and when
unselected, it takes its original color properties.
With the above structure, it is possible to selecet indivudial
parts of house, such as edges, faces, vertex points etc. Thus this
property facilitates the indivual queries of the decomposed
cells. Deletion of an existing part or adding new components
are also easy with this description. CellArray class instance
variable represents the definition of each facet cells and their
topological links.
In the memory, we organize all house objects in a double sided
binary tree. In Figure 1, we give the organisation of the house
objects in a binary tree model.