Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
ent viewpoints is available. In order to connect point clouds 
from different stations, frequently tie point information is pro- 
vided using reflecting targets or spheres with defined diameter, 
which are distributed in the object area. After measurement, the 
operator manually specifies the approximate position of these 
targets. Based on this information, the target can be precisely 
localised automatically in the laser data and used as tie-point in- 
formation in the subsequent registration process. 
As it is demonstrated in Figure 10, this coregistration can 
alternatively be performed based on a ICP (iterative closest 
point) algorithm. By these means a coregistration of the laser 
data to the coarse three-dimensional model of the building is 
feasible. Thus, similar to the orientation of the collected images, 
control point information is provided from the existing building 
model in order to speed up the data processing. In principle, this 
technique can also be used for the geoeferenceing of LIDAR 
data collected from a moving platform (Früh & Zakhor 2003). 
If existing urban models, which are frequently available from 
airborne data collection are used for applications like realistic 
visualisations of urban scenes from terrestrial viewpoints, a re- 
finement using terrestrial data collection is required. The 
evaluation of the terrestrial data can be simplified considerably 
by integrating these existing building models to the respective 
processing steps. Within the paper, the combined processing 
was mainly demonstrated for geoereferencing the terrestrial data 
sets by coregistration to the given models in order to provide 
imge texture. However, this combined processing is even more 
important, if terrestrial data sets are used for geometric im- 
provement of the given models. 
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