Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXX V, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
necessary to assure the completeness of a roof unit. (2) The 
structuring may fail if the processed roof unit or object is not in 
the pre-defined model database. (3) The boundary point 
digitizing sequence must be restricted to being point-wise. (4) 
Each roof unit or object needs to be processed independently, 
which leaves connection problems between two buildings to the 
In this paper, we proposed an interactive scheme for 3-D 
building modeling using multi-view aerial photos with known 
absolute orientation parameters. In order to solve the precise 
stereo correspondence problem, we combine the manual rough 
measurement via monoscopic viewing, followed by an 
automatic feature line extraction and image matching technique 
to extract the roof-edge's 3-D line-segments. Finally, in 3D 
topology and geometry reconstruction, the 
SPLIT-MERGE-SHAPE (SMS) algorithm (Rau & Chen, 2003b) 
is adopted to generate the 3-D building model from those 3-D 
line-segments. The flowchart of the proposed scheme is 
depicted in Fig.1. 
Aerial Photos ^ i 
Abs. Orientation 
Rough Building Corners 
Feature Line Extraction 
& Stereo-Matching 
3D Line-Segments 
Building Modeling 
3D Building Model 
Figure 1. Flowchart of the proposed scheme. 
The major work of this paper is mostly on the interactive 
scheme. The idea is to adopt the reliability of human eye and the 
calculating power of a personal computer. Additionally, the 
whole scheme can also reduce the hardware requirement that 
any graphical card is enough with no necessary of expensive 
Stereographic card, monitor, etc. For human eye, it can 
effectively distinguish the target from massive information of 
aerial photos. The computer provides precise estimation from 
huge calculation. In figure 1, two shaded-boxes denote the 
human-machine interactive part of this research. One for initial 
guess of stereo measurement while the other is for geometrical 
building modelling. 
2.1 Rough Building Corners Digitization 
In addition to the original multi-view aerial photos, the absolute 
orientation parameters are necessary in this stage. In the 
digitisation of building corners, we utilized the top-down 
ray-tracing method and bottom-up back-projection technique 
for manual stereo measurement via monoscopic viewing, as 
shown on figure 2. At beginning, the operator can choose one 
building corner on the master photo and digitise it roughly. 
Combining absolute orientation parameters Gas Yi 76) with 
the digitised image coordinates (xi, y;) in the master photo we 
can determine the ray direction. The operator can thus adjust or 
provide a ground height (Z,) to get a ground coordinates (X;, 
Y). By applying the bottom-up technique, the projected photo 
coordinates (x», y?) on the other aerial photos can thus be 
calculated and projected on the search photo. So, the operator's 
workload is simplified to adjust a target's ground height and 
match its corresponding point. 
rU 2 C 
Master Photo s 
> 7 : / 
"Xp Yi, 
Figure 2. Stereo measurement via monoscopic viewing. 
2.2 Feature Line Extraction & Stereo Matching 
In 3D building modelling, the SMS algorithm (Rau, 2002; Rau 
& Chen, 2003b) was adopted. In which, the primary ground 
object is the 3D roof-edges, which can be extracted from 2D 
image feature line and stereo matching. A brief description of 
every step is discussed in the following. 
At first, an operator may manually digitise a sequence of coarse 
building corners to get the initial location of building boundary. 
Two consecutive building corners will construct an image 
feature line. A buffer zone is created around the feature line and 
the following image processing technique is applied within the 
buffer zone only. A fast straight-line extraction technique 
proposed by Rau and Chen (2003a) is adopted in this study. In 
which, an SNN filter is utilized for noise reduction and a 
multi-resolution edge detection technique is used to get edge 
magnitude. A local maximum tracing method will thin the edge 
as single pixel width. A modified Hough transform with 
principal axis analysis can accelerate the extraction of 
There are numbers of feature line stereo-matching algorithms 
that have been published in the field of photogrammetry and 
computer vision. However, in this paper we adopt the epipolar 
geometry constrain and grey value consistence for stereo 
matching. Once a feature line has been extracted on the master 
photo, the other feature lines on the search photos is also 
considered for automatic detection. There may exist no one or 
more than one feature lines in the buffer zone. For a set of 
four-views stereo photos, the maximum number of stereo-pairs 
combination is six. It increases the possibility and redundancy 
of stereo matching in a dense and complex environment that 
hidden effect may happen. The normalized cross correlation 
(NCC) method is utilized for calculating the similarity index. It 
is calculated on both side of a feature line and compared 

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