Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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A. Pothou *, Ch. Stamatiou, Dr. A. Georgopoulos 
Lab. of Photogrammetry, School of Rural & Surveying Eng., National Technical University of Athens 
Commission III, WG III/8 
KEY WORDS: Automation, Correlation, Matching, Aerial Triangulation, Orientation 
Automatic Aerial Triangulation (AAT) is an increasingly interesting research topic. Most experiments have been carried out with a 
view to testing accuracy and reliability of matching methods and it is thought that efficiency is directly related to successful 
automation and increased accuracy. In the project presented here, we experimented with different scales and their combinations. The 
project, the results and experiences of Automatic Digital Aerial Triangulation using images of different scales of the National 
Technical University of Athens (N.T.U.A) campus are described. The entire area of the campus is covered by 1:3500, 1:6000 and 
1:8000 image scales taken on the same day. The detailed aims of the project were to investigate, the geometric stability of the 
blocks, the accuracy of the tie points and the derived orientation parameters. The program ISAT (ImageStation Auto Triangulation) 
of Z/I Imaging was employed in this project, in order to adjust various block combinations. Firstly, both a manual and an AAT 
solution for the 1:3500 block were performed. The computational time was about 3 minutes per image and the o, value was 0.30- 
0.35 pixel. Secondly, AAT was applied to scales 1:6000 and 1:8000 and it was observed that for the 1:8000 images a less accurate 
solution was obtained. Moreover, the combination of 1:3500 and 1:8000 image scales failed to provide a solution probably because 
the software splits the block in two parts due to different resolutions. The combination of 1:6000 and 1:8000 image scales gave a 
solution with impressive results. However, user intervention was necessary. Finally, a comparison of the above results with those 
derived from an analytical solution of the same area and using the same images has been carried out. 
Several researchers have reported attempts to automate Aerial 
Triangulation, e.g., Tsingas (1991), Agouris (1992), Ackermann 
& Tsingas (1994), Schenk (1995) and Toth & Krupnik (1996). 
Several Automatic Aerial Triangulation packages have been 
Automatic Aerial Triangulation (AAT) has been an increasingly developed over the recent years with different capabilities 
interesting topic of research and development in digital (Büyüksalih & Zhang 2003). EuroSDR — formerly OEEPE — 
photogrammetry. For a number of years, Aerial triangulation ^ devoted recently a common test to assess their performance. 
has been a complex operation which includes planning the 
photo flight, establishing ground control points, taking and 
developing aerial photographs based on preset specifications, 
performing interior orientation, measuring and transferring all 
tie, check, and control points appearing on all photographs, and 
performing a least squares block adjustment. This process 
ultimately provides the exterior orientation parameters for all 
photographs and the three-dimensional coordinates for all 
measured object points. 
1.1 Automatic Aerial Triangulation 
Recent progress in digital photogrammetry has brought to light 
new possibilities. The impetus for this evolution has been the 
advancement of computer technologies and image processing 
: Figure 1: Automatic Aerial Triangulation 
techniques. While the photogrammetric principles have not 
changed, the imlementation tools have. An important 1.2 Motivation 
advancement in digital photogrammetry involves automatic 
aerial triangulation using image matching techniques to The aim of this project was to investigate the geometrical 
automate point transfer and point mensuration phases, which stability of the block, the accuracy of the tie points and the 
Were not available within the analytical stereoplotter derived orientation parameters using Automatic Aerial 
environment. Several correlation techniques and computer Triangulation algorithms. It was decided to use a variety of 
programs for digital aerial triangulation have been developed, image scales of the same area in multiple combinations, in order 
based on the automatic selection and transfer of tie points using to derive substantial conclusions, spot eventually essential 
Multiple image feature based and/or least squares matching. matching problems and present the results of these adjustments. 
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