Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
In Table 3, the values o, from the robust bundle adjustment 
(both in pixels and in um) and the RMS values in object space 
are presented. It may easily be concluded that: 
e The standard deviation o, of the tie point coordinates 
generally lies between 0.3 and 0.5 pixels or 4 to 8 um. This 
result has been obtained although the expectation for the 
accuracy of the image coordinates, as expressed in a priori 
0, was set to 10pm. 
e The o, value from the robust adjustment alone cannot be 
considered as an indicator for the quality of the aerial 
triangulation results. The reason is that in contrast to 
analytical photogrammetry in AAT an appropriate point 
distribution in each image and proper connections between 
the images and strips are not necessarily ensured. (Heipke 
& Eder, 1996). 
Project | RMS on image | Mean Stand. Deviation (m) 
X (um) | y (jum) X Y Z 
2 2.9 3.5 0.028 | 0.029 0.045 
3 3.5 33 0.020 | 0.021 0.035 
4 4.1 4.1 0.050 | 0.050 0.084 
5 3.6 4.5 0.021 0.021 0.040 
6 56 5.6 0.076 | 0.076 0.131 
7% 156.4 52.5 12.249 | 11.224 | 40.728 
Table 4: Results of bundle adjustment for all points 
* procedure stopped at 6" pyramid level 
For scales 1:6000 and 1:8000 a small reduction of the accuracy 
is noticed compared to the 1:3500 block. Obviously, the smaller 
the image scale, the smaller the accuracy of the solution 
obtained. For scale 1:8000 extra control points were added in 
order to strengthen the solution, i.e. provide better geometrical 
Project | Iterations | GCPs Max Residuals (m) 
X y Z 
1 11 
2 10 11 0.062 (0.157. 0.101 
3 7 11 0.081 | 0.163 | 0.097 
4 7 8 0.085 | 0.125 | 0.120 
5 8 18 0.120 | 0.104 | 0.144 
6 12 11 0.149 |0.3157 0.292 
7 10 0.043 | 0.060 | 0.030 
Table 5: Residuals 
The combination of scales 1:6000 and 1:8000 led to predictable 
results, but important for the discussion. This procedure was 
successful but it should be noted that a lot of attempts were 
made to this direction. One of them was to increase the patch 
window size to 120 pixels so that more pixels could take part in 
the matching procedure. Moreover, control points were added 
interactively. Therefore, this combination gave a solution with 
impressive results (Table 5). 
The combination of the scales 1:3500 and 1:8000 failed to 
provide a solution. One possible reason was the drastic 
difference between the two flying heights consequently the big 
difference between the resolutions of the images (Figure 6). 
Thus, the software split the block into two sub-blocks in order 
to solve them separately. Without having additional known 
DEM information, the block adjustment failed. 
he difference in resolution between scales 1:3500 
and 1:8000 in the same level of zoom 
ans: 4 
Figure 6: T 
3.3 Results of analytical solution 
The results of the various analytical adjustments of the various 
blocks or combinations thereof are summarized in Table 6. 
Block Tie points (cm) GCPs (cm) 
Oy Gy o, 9€. | 6, | 6, 
1:3500 6.3 6.3 10.2 | 4.0 | 3.7 | 4.5 
1:6000 5.1 5.8 10.9 | 4.7 | 5.1 | 6.3 
1:8000 7.4 7:5 17.4 | 42 | 4.1 | 4.6 
1:3500-1:6000 6.2 6.2 10.9 | 4.7 | 4.6 | 5.5 
All scales 6.3 6.3 12.1 {46145158 
Table 6: Results of the analytical adjustments 
It is obvious that for the smaller scales the solution gives 
relatively better results, mainly because the images include 
more GCPs. On the other hand, larger scales contribute to the 
solution with more accurate determination of elevations. With 
the exception of the elevation accuracy of the 1:8000 images, 
the other solutions are assessed as satisfactory. The better 
accuracy in 1:6000 than in 1:3500 is probably due to the 
appearance of more GCPs in a more favourable distribution. 
The combined solution of the three scales proved to be a very 
useful tool for the detection of systematic errors. Every single 
solution usually presents small deviations, but the whole block 
may depart from the correct absolute position within the 
reference system. The combined adjustment with all images of 
all scales, detects this as residuals in the measurements. The 
large number of observations gives the capability for checking. 
In addition, the unified solution seems to have values closer to 
the average value of all and it presents uniform distribution of 
errors. It presents no increase in accuracy but it is a more 
reliable solution (it has more GCPs and measurements than the 
others). The ellipses of errors have direction to the center of the 
area and they present a big deviation outside the University 
campus where there are few GCPs. 
3.4 Conclusion 
There is no doubt that the future belongs to the Automatic 
Aerial Triangulation. It is common knowledge that the 
initialization, point transfer and point measuring phases can be 
successfully and reliably automated. However, geometric 
stability may only be achieved through the increase of the 
number of tie points. At the same time the distribution and the 
number of GCPs is crucial, perhaps more than in the case of an 
analytical solution. Hence the “replacement of intelligence with 
redundancy” (Ackermann 1996) should be carried out with 
extreme caution. 

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