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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXX V, Part B3. Istanbul 2004
eO eO
10) (11)
Bold lines: Front polygon
Figure 4. A schema of procedure of visibility sorting.
3.2.3 Visibility Sorting of TPM: Visibility sorting of
Tpr :- ATpr,,Tpr,,...,Tpr,) from a 3-D viewpoint O can be
executed in the following steps.
Step 1: Generate base triangles Tri :- (Tri,, Tri, ,..., Tri, ! . Let
the 2-D viewpoint of O be o.
Step 2: Execute visibility sorting for 7ri , according to the
procedure described in 3.2.2.
Step 3: Sort the prisms in the same order of sorted sequence of
corresponding base triangles.
4.1 Generation of a True Orthoimage
Visibility sorting can be utilized in true orthoimage generation
in the following sequences.
Step 1: Generate TPM and execute visibility sorting.
Step 2: Prepare output orthoimage buffer and occlusion buffer
on the memory space and initialize them with value 0 (see
Figure 5 (1)). Occlusion buffer should have the same width and
height with the original image.
Step 3: Get the first prism from the visibility sorting sequence.
Generate orthoimage for the top of the prism. In the occlusion
buffer, record the area where the prism is projected in the
original image, with non-zero pixel value (see Figure 5 (2)).
Step 4: Get the next prism and execute the same procedure in
the Step 3. Before resampling of an orthoimage pixel from the
original image pixel, check the corresponding occlusion buffer
pixel if it is 0. If not, the orthoimage pixel should remain as the
value 0. If the resampled pixel value is 0, change it to some
proper low pixel value, such as 1, to distinguish it from pixels
in occluded area. Repeat this step until all prisms are processed
(see Figure 5 (3)-(6)).
In the resultant orthoimage, pixels of occluded area remain
value 0.
Orthoimage Occlusion buffer TPM
Occlusion buffer
The area where Prism
1 are projected in the
original image is
(2)Ortho-rectification for Prism 1
Orthoimage Occlusion buffer
(3)Ortho-rectification for Prism 2
Orthoimage Occlusion buffer
! This part is not ortho-
rectified because it is
occlutded by Prism 1.
(4)Ortho-rectification for Prism 2
Orthoimage Occlusion buffer
Orthoimage Occlusion buffer
(6) Final Status
Figure 5. The schema of procedure of true orthoimage