Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
One can see that the horizontal accuracy of a single handheld 
receiver is 10.2 m, and accuracy of differential measurements 
would be 3.1 m. The table is based on 1 6 corresponding to a 
68% confidence interval. Note that the user does not have any 
assurance to obtain this accuracy in practice. Hence, the need 
for an empirical quality measure computed during GPS 
measurements at a particular time and place. In the following 
we provide the error analysis needed to compute the positional 
error of a code receiver on the basis of the coordinates of 
known reference points. 
Error source Bias Random Total DGPS 
Ephemeris data 2.1 0.0 2.1 0.0 
Satellite clock 2.0» 0.7 2.1 0.0 
Ionosphere 4.0 0.5 4.0 0.4 
Troposphere 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.2 
Multipath 1:0 21.0 1.4 1.4 
Receiver noise 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.5 
UERE, rms* , 5.1. 1.4 5.3 1.6 
Filtered UERE, rms 621:51:0.4. 5105.1 1.5 
VDOP- 2.5 12.8 3.9 
HDOP- 2.0 10.2 34. 
Table 1 Standard GPS error model based on 1 © 
(corresponding to a 68% confidence interval)- LI C/A (no 
selected availability) 
Where DGPS is Differential GPS, UERE, is the user equivalent 
range error that sums the various error components, VDOP is 
vertical dilution of precision, and HDOP is horizontal dilution 
of precision. The table shows errors of Pseudorange 
measurements (Ephemeris data, Satellite clock . error, 
lonospheric error, Tropospheric error, Multipath, and the 
Receiver noise). 
The accuracy of GPS observation can be estimated in various 
ways. One method is to define confidence regions are ellipsoids 
(in 3D space), or ellipses (in 2D space), such that their volume 
or area contains the true value within a preselected level of 
probability. A useful scalar for assessing the error often 
displayed on handheld units is the dilution of precision (DOP), 
being a factor of reduction of precision (in function of satellite 
constellation at the moment of observation). In the following 
we will show how DOP and confidence regions can be derived 
from the covariance matrix of the unknown vector of the three 
geocentric coordinates and travel time (e.g. x, y, Z, dt) to be 
determined from the GPS observations (Wells 1986) 
A pseudo-range observation equation, using code, for one 
satellite can be written as: 
[4 e c t S t 
edi esed E eti ud +d a (1) 
Sat _ 
Rec Ion Trop 
Where c — 299792458 m/sec (the speed of light in a vacuum), 
: sat : 
dT,ec the receiver clock error, dt the satellite clock error, dion 
ionospheric error, dirop tropospheric error and 
a. 3: 2 Sat 2 s 2 
pego —XRec) *(y a = Von) Te — ZRec Q) 
the true range receiver-satellite, ignoring atmospheric effects 
For more than one satellite, we obtain a set of equations that is 
over determined: 
I ] - 1 1 
P'-edt =p +c.(dTr ee - dt dj a trop 
2 2. 2 
P =edt sp e (dT e -dt^)ed? +r 
eprreoovemocsnaeceseccopooteoso oo smb oras oo esoopnacseeeesoosemooo soo moooseoo 
These GPS observation equations can be written in matrix 
notation as: 
Ax XY = B + 
E (4) 
Where X is the unknown vector matrix containing (z, y, z, dt), 
A is the coefficient matrix of the unknowns (number of columns 
= number of unknown parameters, number of rows = number of 
visible satellites), B is the matrix of the known values from 
reference points, and V is the error matrix. Applying 
generalized least squares; an estimate of the unknown vector 
matrix is obtained as: 
7 -l 7 
X- (A WA) A WB 6 
Where W is the weight coefficient matrix. In addition estimated 
observation errors are obtained as: 
T -i T 
y-4((4 WA) A4 WB-P (6) 
And a-posteriori variance factor is defined as: 
sns pe Twy 
70 = (7) 
where O, is the mean square error of unit weight, n is the 
number of observations, k is the minimum number of 
observation required, and 1 — k is the number of redundant 
The variance-covariance matrix of the unknowns is defined as 
C.202 (d WA) ! (8) 
X 0 

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