Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

M. Morgan®, K. Kim”, S. Jeong”, A. Habib? 
? Department of Geomatics Engineering, University of Calgary, Calgary, 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, AB, 
T2N 1N4, Canada - (mfmorgan@ucalgary.ca, habib@geomatics.ucalgary.ca) 
^ Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), 161 Gajeong-Dong, Yuseong-Gu, Daejeon, 305-350, 
Korea — (kokim, soo) @etri.re.kr 
PS WG I11/1: Sensor Pose Estimation 
KEY WORDS: Photogrammetry, Analysis, Modelling, Method, Pushbroom, Sensor, Stereoscopic, Value-added 
Digital frame cameras with resolution and ground coverage comparable to those associated with analogue aerial cameras are not yet 
available. Therefore, linear array scanners have been introduced on aerial and space borne platforms to overcome these drawbacks. 
Linear array scanner scenes are generated by stitching together successively captured one-dimensional images as the scanner moves. 
Rigorous modelling of these scenes is only possible if the internal and external characteristics of the imaging system (interior 
orientation parameters and exterior orientation parameters, respectively) are available. This is not usually the case (e.g., providers of 
IKONOS scenes do not furnish such information). Therefore, in order to obtain the parameters associated with the rigorous model, 
indirect estimation has to be performed. Space scenes with narrow angular field of view can lead to over-parameterization in indirect 
methods if the rigorous model is adopted. Earlier research has established that parallel projection can be used as an 
alternative/approximate model to express the imaging process of high altitude linear array scanners with narrow angular field of 
view. The parallel projection is attractive since it involves few parameters, which can be determined using limited number of ground 
control points. Moreover, the parallel projection model requires neither the interior nor the exterior orientation parameters of the 
imaging system. This paper outlines different parallel projection alternatives (linear and nonlinear). In addition, forward and 
backward transformations between these parameters are introduced. The paper also establishes the mathematical relationship 
between the navigation data, if available, and the parallel projection parameters. Finally, experimental results using synthetic data 
prove the suitability of parallel projection for modelling linear array scanners and verify the developed mathematical 
The limited number of pixels in 2-D digital images that are 
captured by digital frame cameras limits their use in large scale 
mapping applications. On the other hand, scenes captured from 
linear scanners (also called pushbroom scanners or line 
cameras) have been introduced for their great potential of 
generating ortho-photos and updating map databases (Wang, 
1999). The linear scanners with up-to one-meter resolution from 
commercial satellites could bring more benefits and even a 
challenge to traditional topographic mapping with aerial images 
(Fritz, 1995). 
Careful sensor modelling has to be adapted in order to achieve 
the highest potential accuracy. Rigorous modelling describes the 
scene formation as it actually happens, and it has been adopted 
in a variety of applications (Lee and Habib, 2002; Habib et al., 
2001; Lee et al., 2000; Wang, 1999; Habib and Beshah, 1998; 
McGlone and Mikhail, 1981; Ethridge, 1977). 
Alternatively, other approximate models exist such as rational 
function model, RFM, direct linear transformation, DLT, self- 
calibrating DLT and parallel projection (Fraser et al., 2001; Tao 
and Hu, 2001; Dowman and Dolloff, 2000; Ono et al., 1999; 
Wang, 1999; Abdel-Aziz and Karara, 1971). Selection of any 
approximate model, as an alternative, has to be done based on 
the analysis of the achieved accuracy. Among these models, 
parallel projection is selected for the analysis. The rationale and 
the pre-requisites behind its selection are discussed as well as its 
linear and non-linear mathematical forms are presented in 
Section 3. But first, background information regarding linear 
array scanner scenes is presented in Section 2. In cases where 
scanner navigation data are available, Section 4 sets up their 
relationship to the parallel projection model. Due to the 
complexity of the derivation of the developed transformations, 
Section 5 aims at verifying them by using synthetic data. 
Finally, Section 6 includes the conclusions and 
recommendations for future work. 
2.1 Motivations for using Linear Array Scanners 
Two-dimensional digital cameras capture the data using a two- 
dimensional CCD array. However, the limited number of pixels 
in current digital imaging systems hinders their application 
towards extended large scale mapping functions in comparison 
with scanned analogue photographs. Increasing the principal 
distance of the 2-D digital cameras will increase the ground 
resolution, but will decrease the ground coverage. On the other 
hand, decreasing the principal distance will increase the ground 
coverage at the expense of ground resolution. 
One-dimensional digital cameras (linear array scanners) can be 
used to obtain large ground coverage and maintain a ground 
resolution comparable with scanned analogue photographs. 
However, they capture only a one-dimensional image (narrow 
strip) per snap shot. Ground coverage is achieved by moving the 
scanner (airborne or space borne) and capturing more 1-D 
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