Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
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Figure 2. GPro run in a Condor cluster 
Two recent small projects were selected to show the 
timesavings in the computationally intensives processes. These 
projects were done using a portion of the cluster setup at NWG. 
The production cluster at NWG comprises of dedicated rack 
mounted systems in conjunction with operator’s machines 
during off hours. All the single runs were performed on a dual 
Xeon 3.06 GHz with 3GB RAM running Windows XP. A 
RAIDO disk array with 10 disks of 146GB SCSI drives was 
used for all data input/output. Analysis of the average 1/0 queue 
during runs showed that disk contention was not a serious issue 
for a single machine run. The distributed runs were done on six 
nodes of same hardware specification as the single run. 
Interconnect between the nodes and file server was done using 
gigabit Ethernet. Disk I/O analysis for the distributed runs 
showed some disk contention. 
The first dataset used is a small block from a project that was 
part of the Florida statewide program undertaken in 2003/2004 
by North West Geomatics and Earth Data. This block is roughly 
one degree by one degree in size. It comprises of 256 USGS 
Digital Ortho Quarter Quads (DOQQs), delivered in both color 
and FCIR format. The numbers contained here are for color 
data only, but one could simply double the Ortho times for both 
datasets. This block was flown at 24,000 AGL with a 5-minute 
line spacing at 340 knots. Seven control points were used iri the 
block to provide a datum shift. The DEM was the USGS 
format DEM converted into a 50m grid (flat terrain so the 50m 
grid is more than sufficient). 
The second dataset is a small test area over Zolloffo springs in 
Florida, which is of environmental concern. It was flown on 
850m line spacing to capture 0.13m data for a final product of 
0.15m. Flight speed was 100 knots. Five control points were 
available in this area. Both color and FCIR ortho photos were 
also generated for this area. Table 1 summarizes the 
characteristics of the projects and Table 2 lists the processing 
time for the most time consuming processes of the workflow. 
Florida Zolloffo 
Capture GSD (m) 0.8 0.13 
Output GSD (m) 1.0 0.15 
Lateral Overlap (90) 30 30 
Raw Data Size (GB) 110 21 
Number of Lines 14 4 
Average Line Length (km) 120 5 
Project Area (km 5 11500 4.5 
Table 1: Dataset Summary 
Process Florida Zollofo 
1 Node 6 Nodes ] Node | 6 Node 
Rectification 11.27 1.92 2.34 0.60 
Automatic Point 14.80 4.66 3.14 1.50 
Ortho 14.65 2.54 3.02 0.78 
Table 2: Processing Times in Hours 
As could be seen in the table, even though the processing time 
seem to decrease linearly, the cluster efficiency numbers drop 
for Zollofo processing due to only four nodes being utilized 
even though there were six available. 
Distributed computing has enabled us to process large amounts 
of data in a reasonable time. It has empowered large mapping 
projects to be done in unprecedented turnaround times. Condor 
with it high throughput performance has enabled us to deliver 
products even in adverse condition when there have been node 
failures without human intervention. We plan to extend our 
usage of the Condor distribution model to other non-interactive 
applications so that they could benefit from all the advantages 
discussed above. However, in order to provide the scalability 
required we would have to increase our granularity and 
parallalize our applications. 
Ashton, D., Gropp, W., Lusk, E., 2002. Installation and User's 
Guide to MPICH, a Portable Implementation of MPI Version 
1.2.5. The ch nt device for workstations and clusters of 
Microsoft Windows machines, http://www- 
unix.mcs.anl.gov/mpi/mpich/ (accessed Feb. 2003). 
Condor Team, 2003. Condor Manual, 
http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/manual/v6.4/, pp. 7-8 (accessed 
Feb. 2003). 
Geist, A., et al., 1994. PVM: Parallel Virtual Machine A Users' 
Guide and Tutorial for Networked Parallel Computing, MIT 
Press, pp. 10-11. 
Microsoft, 2001. Application Center 2000 Evaluation Guide, 
guide.asp, pp. 3-5 (accessed Feb. 2003). 
Part B1 
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Vol. X] 

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