Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing 
1.2 The procedure 
First I give a direct solution for the space resection based on 
three control points (chapter 2.1). Than I explain how to get the 
adjusted values of unknowns using the Jacobian Mean Theorem 
(Gleinsvik, 1967), if the number of control points is more than 
three (chapter 2.2). And finally I present the basic formulas 
necessary to detect the points with gross error (chapter 2.3). 
2.1 Space resection without adjustment 
As it is seen on Figure 1. we have a tetrahedron with a,b,c 
sides. The ABC triangle is known and formed by the control 
points, The 4'B'C'P tetrahedron including the ¢, B,y is also 
known after the measurement of image points. The goal is to 
determine the outer orientation elements (@,@,K and 
Xo»Yo>Zo). It is wise to first calculate only the projection 
center coordinates and after this the rotation angles can be 
calculated with well known direct equations. 
M D 
e Y« 
& nt s 
\ > 
7 \ 
-— — — n9 HÀ— Lor 
f T mee f 
| v 
o HE 
E p 
Figure 1. Space resection based on three control points 
Let’s derive equations for the a,b,c sides, since using these 
values we can calculate the P projection center coordinates 
using the well known distance equations from the coordinate 
If we take the a side as a basic distance the sides of b. and C 
will differ only with an n scale factor, so in this case we have 
only two unknowns ( a and 7 ). 
We can setup three independent equations for the triangles 
AABC , ABCP and AACP using the cosine-theorem: 
and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
2 2 5 
d'-a -(a-ny -2a’ncosa 
e? z (a- ny. *« (a- my. — 2a? nmcos f 
f =(a-m} +a —2a^mcosy 
We can eliminate the side a from the equations reducing the 
three equations into one forth-degree equation (Jancso, 1994): 
Win' + Won’ - Wa -WnW,-0 (3) 
where W, - f(d.e,f,a, fy) 
After solving the equation (3) we can calculate the unknown 
a= + FA SATT (4) 
l+n° —2ncosa 
e -f ea hl 
2(acosy —bcos B) 
Now we can calculate the projection center coordinates using 
the distance equations: 
Xp XV ANY) HZ. Zu 
c =(X, made)! *(Y, 7 Val *(, -Zoy 
The solution of (5) is : 
I? T [3 ; [2 > 
7. = -Y,E4Xv,-4u.w, SE EVEN MW LEN EYE Aw, 
ep -— 
= :Z,>0 
Qu, 2, 2u, , (6) 
AX mk -kT, 
Yo mk RE, 
where Hnc obe Wade k, , parameters are functions of 
coordinates of the A, B,C control points and the sides of 
a,b,c (Jancso, 1994). 
Finally we can calculate the rotation angles of @,w,x from the 
rotation matrix with the well-known direct equations (Hirvonen, 
he a (Hs 
Rely, 1, fs (7) 
In fo Tay 
pz -arctg(r,/r..) 
Q = arcsin(r,, ) (8) 
x = —arctg(n,/r,,) 

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