Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
generic values A; and with a row number equal to the 
maximum number of values (terminal and not) that each generic 
value A; can assume. Each generic value A; (first line) 
determines its own column with the possible values it can 
assume. Terminal values are listed in the last line. The matrix is 
a sparse one. 
The program reads the string corresponding to the translation of 
the geometric primitives in characters and it automatically 
generates the Kasami table for that string. This table size 
obviously depends on the stringth length. Strings belong to the 
grammar if S can be found in the last row, first column of the 
Kasami table. 
Used grammar is a context-free one and it is suitable for the 
recognition of different size equilateral triangles: 
SAAK [Ay AA:C [B5 BB, 
A,>b A, — aB;C B,b 
A1 aB,C B;— bB, Cc 
The terminal values a, b and c represent the following 
primitives : 
Such grammar reduced to the Chomsky Normal Form can 
be defined as follows : 
S>A3A4 A4>A,C A4—A 
À1—A35A5 As>A,C B,—>B,4B, 
B,—b A,>b B3 Ar>Az3A6 
A¢—>B;C B,>b AAA | ABC 
B;—>B4B, CC 
It has been verified that the program can correctly label as 
‘equilateral triangles’ the ones corresponding to the strings 
W — "abc" and y 7 "aabbcc "; while it labels w — “aba” and 
y="aabbca” as ‘not —equilateral triangles’. 
Obviously, images are never perfect: they are regularly noise 
poisoned; thus we shall use a stochastic grammar. The chosen 
one is regular, as it is equivalent to a HMM, so that we can use 
the corresponding algorithms, which are a well known powerful 
An appropriate test image has been created showing a distorted 
version of an equilateral triangle 
Fig. 2 Test image of a noisy pattern (equilateral triangle). 
A stochastic regular grammar has been introduced in order to 
describe an equilateral triangle and some other distorted 
versions (Fig. 3): 
S — aA, 
A, — biA, , A, > bA, 
As > cy, A > C, 
The object has been subdivided in subpatterns, corresponding to 
the string xX = abc». 
Let’s suppose to know probability to get each string x: 
p(a b; cı) = 0.01 
p(a b, cı) = 0.3 
p(a b; c5) 7 0.19 
p(a bs c;) = 0.5 
From probability theory ensues that the probabilities of the 
production rules are: 
p» — 0.032 
; 7 0.968 
Pa = 0.31 
ps = 0.69 
The hidden states of the corresponding model are: A,, A; and T. 
The parameters of the corresponding HMM are: 
x (Ai) 7 1l, 5 (A5) 2 0, n (T) 7 0; 
eai(@) = 1, eaa (by) 7 0.032, eA» (b5) = 0.968, er (c:) = 0.31, 
er (c:) = 0.69; 
à aa” la amp =l 
Cy Cy 
Fig. 3 An equilateral triangle and some distorted versions. 
The “Forward” algorithm shall give us probability of a sequence 
of observations, for instance of the string x 7 a b; c»: 
f(a b. c5) 70.67. 
Viterbi's algorithm, in the turn, lets associate to such a 
sequence, the related most probable asset of otherwise hidden 
states (the parse of the string): 
A, A» T. 
The ab,c, string of the previously described example, may 
belong also to the classe of square triangles. 

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