Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
were identified to cover, one from each class. 
Wavelet-Modulus Maxima method (Leila M. Fonesca, 1997), 
uses image pixel values, similar to that described in (Q. Zheng, 
1993) except determining the feature selection. The probable 
control points are detected from the local modulus maxima of 
the wavelet transform, applied to the input and reference 
images, after performing the wavelet decomposition up to two 
levels. The correlation coefficient is used as a similarity 
measure and only the best pair-wise fitting, among all pairs of 
feature points, are taken as actual control points. A polynomial 
transform, which can take care of translation and rotational 
errors, is then used to model the deformation between the 
images and their parameters are estimated in a coarse to fine 
manner. The refinement matching is achieved using the warped 
image and the set of feature points detected in the reference 
image. After processing all levels the final parameters are 
determined and used to warp the original input image. 
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) technique (B.S.Reddy, 1996, 
Y.Keller, 2002) is a frequency domain approach in which it 
does not use any control points, instead the FFT ratio is 
computed. The displacement between two given images can be 
determined by computing the ratio Fl.conj(F2)/|F1.F2|, the 
inverse of this ratio results as an impulse like function. This is 
approximately zero everywhere except at the displacement, this 
determines the translation error between the images. Converting 
these images from rectangular coordinates to log-polar 
coordinates and by calculating the similar ratio, we can 
represent rotation and scaling errors also as shifts. These three 
parameters are used to establish the mathematical model and 
the image is geometrically rectified with respect to the 
reference image. 
Morphological Pyramid Image Registration algorithm 
(Zhongxiu HU, 2000) uses the low level shape features to 
determine the global affine transformation model along with the 
radiometric changes between the images. The multi resolution 
images are represented by a Morphological Pyramid (MP), as 
the MP’s have the capability to eliminate details and to 
maintain shape features. The Levenberg Marquardt non-linear 
optimization algorithm is employed to estimate the matching 
parameters of translation, rotation and scaling errors up to sub 
pixel accuracy. In this approach intensity mapping function is 
integrated into geometric mapping function. 
Image Registration using Genetic Algorithms (GAs) (J.H. 
Holland, 1975) uses the comparison of identified solutions to 
ensure a populations survival under changing environmental 
conditions. GAs are iterative procedures that maintain a 
population of candidate solutions encoded in the form of 
chromosome strings. The initial population can be generated 
randomly. These candidates will be selected using a selection 
criterion for the reproduction in the next generation based on 
their fitness values. GAs search is used to efficiently explore 
the huge solution space required by the image registration to a 
sub pixel accuracy. 
Mathematical modeling techniques are used to correct the 
geometric errors like translation, rotation and scaling of the 
input image to that of the reference image. Let the image to be 
warped be called the input image and to which it is reduced is 
called the reference image. There are two cases to consider for 
the image registration algorithms: 
a) The images have the same ground resolution (pixel size) 
b) The images are taken from different sensors and have 
different ground resolutions. as 
Each of the above algorithms models the same deformation In 
its own way. The input image needs to be interpolated while 
warping. The simplest scheme for gray-level interpolation is 
based on the nearest neighbor approach called zero-order 
interpolation. But the nearest neighbor interpolation yields 
undesirable artifacts such as stair-stepped effect around 
diagonal lines and the curves. Bilinear interpolation produces 
the output images that are smoother and without the stair 
stepped effect. It’s a reasonable compromise between 
smoothness and computational cost. 
‘3.1 Wavelet-Modulus Maxima method 
As the wavelet approach (Leila M. Fonesca, 1997), assumes 
that the images have the same ground resolution, so the image 
with the highest resolution is reduced to the lower resolution. 
After reducing the images to the same spatial resolution, 
compute the discrete multi-resolution wavelet transform (L 
levels). This helps in decomposing the signal into the coarser 
resolution, which consists of the low frequency approximation 
information and the high frequency detail information called 
sub bands. During the decomposition, the resolution decreases 
exponentially at the base of 2. For generating the sub bands the 
algorithm proposed in (S.G.Mallat 1989), is used for its 
computational efficiency. In sub band coding, an image is 
decomposed into a set of band-limited components, called sub 
bands, which can be reassembled to reconstruct the original 
image without error. We call LL, LH, HL, HH the four images 
created at each level of decomposition. When the 
decomposition level j decreases, the resolution decreases in the 
spatial domain and increases in the frequency domain. The next 
phase aims to identify features that are present in both images 
in each level of decomposition. The modulus maxima of the 
wavelet transform is used to detect sharp variation points, 
which correspond to edge points in the images.Let us call a 
smoothing function dx, y), the impulse response of a 2-D low- 
pass filter. The first order derivative of ®(x,y) decomposed in 
two components along the x and y directions , respectively, are 
0 D (x, y) 
WON) Tee (1) 
0 o (x, y) 
y(x,y) — (2) 
and these functions can be used as wavelets. For calculating the 
partial derivatives, the difference between each pixel and its 
adjacent pixel is calculated. This difference is calculated both 
in the x and y directions, separately. For any function f, the 
wavelet transform at scale a=2' defined with respect to these 
two wavelets has two components. 
WAY) -f*y5 Gy» - 
f * (2!0/0x e)! (x,y)) 
2i0/üx(f * «3)(x,y) (3) 
f * y^ (xy) 
f * (2i0/0y 4j (x,y)) 
= 2i0/0y(f *))(x.y) (4) 
W'j [fGy)] 
Therefore, these two components of the wavelet transform are 
proportional to the coordinates of the gradient vector of f(x,y) 
smoothened by ®:'(x,y). They characterize the singularities 
along x and y directions, respectively. 

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