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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004
computed by minimizing the SSE between the re-sampled
images gi and image g». This whole process is iterated at each
pyramid level to achieve the final estimation. Gray scale MPs
are created using 3X3 structuring element and then sub-
sampling the filtered image with d — 2. The initial estimated
parameters are identified arbitrarily. Using Levenberg —
Marquardt algorithm by verifying the matching criteria the
parameters ae to a» are iteratively identified in each of the
pyramid levels.
Randomly initialize the population, sufficiently large to be
representative of the search as a whole. Each chromosome is of
length 32 bits(Prachya, 1999) allocates 12bits for rotation, 10
bits for translation in x-direction and 10 more bits for
translation in y-direction. Each field is a signed magnitude
binary number. A precision factor is used to improve the
accuracy. Evaluate the fitness function for each solution in the
population to see if the termination criteria for optimality are
met. In our case study correlation is used as fitness function.
Used a weighted roulette wheel sampling to reproduce strings
of the next generation in proportion to their fitness. Evaluate
the fitness of each new individual. Thus we obtain a solution
string or chromosome, which is used to transform the image
using affine transformation and bilinear interpolation.
Population size and number of generations were limited to 150,
regstration accuracy observed as less than a pixel.
Wavelet Modulus Maxima appraoch assumes the images are of
same resolution. In this method threshold parameters need to be
interactively provided. Due to pyramidal approach it allows for
faster implementation and higher registering precision. It is
more adequate to register images taken from the same sensor.
It worked well for images taken at different times, which are
typical to remote sensing applications. Since this uses the
control points approach it can rectify the local errors, which
emulates manual registration of images. FFT technique
provides accuracy acceptably good. The algorithm works for
images in which the scale change is less than 1.8 (Hongjie Xie,
2003) Due to the global transform this approach cannot
determine local geometric distortions. The MPIR algorithm
with an intensity-based differential matching technique is
reliable and efficient. This algorithm capable of measuring the
errors, to sub pixel accuracy, the displacement between images
subjected to affine transformation, which includes simultaneous
translation, rotation, scaling, and shearing. GAs can efficiently
search the solution space and gives the solution to achieve the
sub pixel accuracy without identifying the control points.
Through global transformation a model can be established for
translation and rotation errors. The proposed algorithm expects
both the images are of same scale. Computational efficiency
can be improved by adopting the pyramidal approach.
Depending on the type of variations in the medical images of
Computerized Tomography, PET or MRI images some of these
techniques can be adopted for making the various observations.
It is unlikely that a single registration scheme will work
satisfactorily. To characterize these algorithms the common
data sets from IRS PAN are used and there is no scale variation.
The authors would like to thank Dr. R. R. Naval gund, Director
NRSA for encouraging us to carry out this work at NRSA.
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