Yu.V. Vizilter*, S. Yu. Zheltov*,
*State Research Institute of Aviation Systems, Moscow, Russia
7, Victorenko str., Moscow, Russia, 125319;
KEY WORDS: Photogrammetry, Stereoscopic, Matching, Correlation, Information
It is well known that the correlation stereo matching algorithms are the basis of most of digital photogrammetric systems. This paper
concerns the important problem of increasing of computational speed of automatic stereo matching based on elimination of image
parts with low information presence and non-traditional implementation of computations using the “sliding window” technique.
It is well known that the correlation stereo matching algorithms
are the basis of most of digital photogrammetric systems. This
paper concerns the important problem of increasing of
computational speed of automatic stereo matching based on
image informative characteristics and non-traditional
implementation of computations in a sliding correlation
From our experience of operation with well known Russian TK-
350 spaceborn images (Sibiryakov, 2000), they usually include
some low-informative regions. Stereo matching of such regions
is just a waste of time. Therefore there is a problem of selection
of sample regions from the viewpoint of their
selfdescriptiveness under the criterion of accuracy and
probability of correct stereo matching. At use of correlation
methods, a correlation coefficient is the best characteristic of a
signal level inside template. The disadvantage of this
characteristic that it is calculated during matching, while the
index of signal level should be calculated before matching,
indicating on those templates, which will have accurate
matching. In the developed method an adaptive statistics of
template brightness is used as an a priori evaluation of
informative index, which is similar to the correlation
coefficient. An advantage of this index is that it is calculated
prior to the beginning of matching. This problem is considered
in the section 2 of this paper.
Then the problem of reduction of computational time is
considered concerning the automatic stereo matching based on
the normalized correlation. The idea of acceleration of
calculation of the convolution sums in a sliding window is well
known (Huang, 1983). The essence of this idea consists of
storing the ready-made column sums and recursive subtracting
and adding of the appropriate partial sums corresponding to the
motion of a sliding window along the image row. It allows
essentially reducing the amount of calculations in case of usual
correlation convolutions, but not in case of stereo matching with
separate convolution fields for all image points. In this work it
is offered to bypass this problem by means of changing the
order of calculations. It is proposed to implement the loop by
disparities as an external loop, and the convolution loop as an
internal one. In this case all calculations can be implemented in
a manner of sliding window algorithm, and we obtain the
required gain in productivity. This problem is considered in the
section 3 of this paper.
The proposed method for elimination of “empty places” is
based on analysis of brightness statistical properties of the
special “wedge” (Figure 1) also captured by this camera. The
“wedge” here is an image with smoothed intensity changing
from left to right border. Analysis method contains the
The smoothed functions of intensity B(d) and MSE of intensity
D(d) along the “wedge” are obtained.
Then the dependence of noise MSE on intensity D(b) is
estimated. For this purpose one should create the inverse
function d=B"(b) using the linear interpolation. Then the
function has a form
D(b) = D'(B'(b)). (1)
shown on Figure 2.
Function O^ — D(b) allows testing the signal presence in the
image fragment.
Figure 1. The optical “wedge” image.
Let f; — means the value of signal samples inside the fragment,
i=1,...,(2N+1)(2N+1). It is required to test the hypothesis Ho
concerning the data set is homogeneous:
Ho: f,=u+tn;, n; € N(0,0?(u)),
where u is the supposed constant brightness value on a
fragment; n; — noise samples, O(u) -dependence of MSE on
intensity, derived from the “wedge”.
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