Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
color similarity of trees. However the result of occlusion 
removal only employed hue information comes out lacking 
stability. As we can see, lines on the building façade are 
almost corresponding to object lines parallel to X-axis and 
Y-axis in the object space, therefore their orientation are 
regular while those in the trees vice versa. The information 
of lines with regular orientation, thereupon, can be used to 
detect the occlusion area combined with hue information. 
It's proven that more stable result of occlusion removal 
can be acquired employed this method. 
« Since it has a small convergent radius that the model of 
least square adjustment employed the constraint of straight 
lines bundle, the model is sensitive to initial value which 
tends to be affected by the quality of image and the errors 
of line extraction. However, it has a larger convergent 
radius and higher stability that the model of adjustment 
system controlled by the constraint of known orientation 
of parallel lines in object space presented in this article, 
thanks to the strictly geometric constraint to control the 
calibration of DC parameters. 
» Two strategies of selecting mosaic point pair are compared 
in this article. It has been proven by experiments that the 
strategy combined with correlation coefficient and 
geometric constraint of relative orientation is better than 
that taking only correlation coefficient into consider. 
B.:Caprile and V. Torre, 1990. Using Vanishing Points for 
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1999. 3D models of architectural scenes from uncalibrated 
images. Proc. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia 
Computing and Systems, Firenze, volume I, pp.25-31. 
Debevec.P Taylor.C.J Malik.J., 1996. Modeling and Rendering 
Architecture from Photographs: A Hybrid Geometry- and 
Image-Based Approach, Proc. Of SIGGRAPH 96. 
We wish to thank the project of Natural Scientific Foundation 
of China titled *Three-Dimensional City Model Generation by 
Videogrammetry" with the serial number 40301041 for its 
support to our research. 

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