Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
f d Point X (m) Y (m) H (m) 
A > . 
% + 1020,716 | 5007,553 | 10,005 
/ \ = 2 | 1018,619 | 5009,362 | 9,948 
/ NN o 
M "i NS 3 | 1015,38 | 5011,850 | 9,932 
.edu.tr ff ^ 
edu. / S 4 | 1012,85 | 5014,396 | 9,896 
d N Sea 
T V 5 1010,723 | 5011,632 | 9,883 
7 Apron Area x 6 1009,551 | 5008,775 | 9,858 
X À aration) * 7 1008,320 | 5005,530 | 9,855 
Nt / s 
Geass RD | 8 | 1008376 | 5002950 | 9.850 
E LT 9 1012,035 | 5002,726 | 9,882 
y 2 
ge generated NN. ae 10 1015,969 5002,480 9,924 
2 ANNE ie ; y : 
ability of the £x NC 11 | 1018,730 | 5002265 | 10,018 
1 1/25 scale £T AS Natural sea bottom 
by The. wate S =e 
> ihe v Mer = pe NC Table 1. Coordinates of Control Points 
s already in C x 
e first epoch 
os to be the 
:e epochs of 
otos and the 
ed with each 
'e and at the 
Figure 1. Plan of the Application Project 
Ocesses and LI Ll B 
orth-West of O Ll 
L1 L1 
'5 geometric : : 
mensions of Figure 3. Experimental Setup With Control Points and Strips 
om between oO Ll 
As mentioned above, four epochs of photographs have been 
taken. By all the epochs, Olympus Camedia C-4040 Zoom 
digital camera has been used. Nowadays it is very difficult to 
O t get high-resolution digital cameras with fixed focus lens. It was 
a must to use one of the extreme values, either the small angled 
or the wide angled setting of the lens. The Camedia is known 
Figure 2. Distribution of Control Points for its good quality and sharpness of the images, resolution is 
just one aspect. 
| constructed 
at the model 
tone armour 
'arious flow 
used in the 
urveys have 
n marked so 
these points 
In terrestrial surveys, a local geodetic coordinate system has 
been established and all the coordinates are computed in this Image acquisition has been done from the inner balcony of the 
ns The coordinate system. Coordinates of control points are given in laboratory, which is approx. 8 m. above the experimental setup. 
xk n Table 1. By all the terrestrial surveys; Pentax ATS 102 Total This causes an oblique photo, which is a disadvantage for 
station has been used. photogrammetric works. But using digital photogrammetric 
nes and this 
/ water flow 
points have 
ould not be 
systems, this disadvantage has been eliminated. 
Another important point is to establish a point set, which would 
be used by displacement investigation. These points must be on 
rol points in the experimental setup, with other words, on the probable 3. APPLICATION 
een colored displacement area. They also had to be marked so that they act EO i 
; with the bottom of setup. All this needs caused to strip the For each epoch, three projection centers have been used. As it is 
pui ue bottom of the setup with white color, which gives a good well known, for a standard three-dimensional photogrammetric 
he contro 
evaluation, at least two photos of an object from different 
projection centers must be used (Altan, 1979). Third projection 
center is used for increasing the accuracy and controlling the 
contrast and would be an advantage by photogrammetric and 
image processing works. Corners of these strips could be used 
as measurement points (Figure 3). 
ure 3 shows 
Using the control points and the photos from the first epoch, the 
first photogrammetric evaluation was done. This epoch was not 
only used for detecting probable displacement on the 

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