Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and 
Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
experimental setup but also checking the reliability of the 
control points for the work. The coordinates of control points 
were taken as true value during the exterior orientation. After 
building the model, the corners of strips were digitized. The 
coordinates derived, were used for building the reference set for 
the experimental setup. All photogrammetric work was done 
using Pictran-D/E software and monitoring the results was done 
by using the coordinates, obtained from photogrammetric 
evaluation, using AutoCAD (Figure 4). After deriving the 
coordinates of all the strip corners, the reference model was 
created. This model was used as a basic of probable 
displacement investigation (Figure 4). 
After modeling the reference set, following epochs of photos 
were taken. Each epoch was taken just after each hydraulics 
experiment. For each of the epochs, same process was 
applicated. This process contains same steps like the modeling 
of the reference set. In that way, differences between sets would 
be the data for displacement analysis. 
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Figure 4. Reference Model Used as a Basic for Probable 
Displacement Analysis 
Figure 5. Evaluation of the first epoch photos 
After evaluating all the epochs, maximum displacement was 
detected in coordinates as -0.002 and 0.002 in meters. These 
values appear in positional displacement as 40,003 m. These 
results were interpreted as “there were any displacement in the 
experimental setup causing by the experiments done”. 
3.1 Image Processing 
An additional investigation of probable displacement was done 
using image processing techniques. All the photos have been 
georeferenced onto the reference set of photos. As in the first 
investigation, the first epoch of photos was taken as non- 
displaced. The histograms of following three set of photos are 
equalized. In this process, the photos were grayscaled. After 
that, each set of photos has been placed in one channel of an 
RGB image, so that true color image could be obtained. By this 
process, In Figure 5, the photos from 2M 3 and 4" epochs can 
be seen. 2™ epoch was placed in red, 3" epoch in green and 4" 
epoch in blue. As a result, a true-color photo was obtained 
(Figure 6). 
As it can be seen from the Figure 6, the experimental setup is 
clearly visible without critical movement between the channels. 
The surrounding such as columns and pipes in the laboratory, 
is a

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